Core Curriculum Lectures by Orthopedic trauma association

G01: Initial Assessment and Management of the Multiply Injured Patient
G02: Assessment, Management and Decision Making in the Treatment of Polytrauma Patients with Head Injuries
G03: Evaluation and Treatment of Vascular Injury
G04: Compartment Syndrome
G05: ARDS, Fat Embolism and Thromoembolic Disease in the Orthopaedic Trauma Patient
G06: Fracture Classification
G07: Biology of Bone Repair
G08: Biomechanics of Fractures and Fixation
G09: Closed Reduction, Traction and Casting Techniques
G10: Basic Principles and Techniques for the Injured Extremity
G11: Principles of External Fixation
G12: Bone Grafting and Bone Graft Substitute
G13: Gunshot Wounds
G14: Wound Coverage Techniques for the Injured Extremity
G15: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Prevention and Management of Osteoporotic Fractures
G16: Pathologic Fractures
G17: The Principles and the Management of Nonunions
G18: Nonunions with Bone Loss
G19: Osteomyelitis: Pathophysiology and Treatment Decisions
G20: Functional Outcomes and Physical Impairment Rating Tools in Orthopaedic Trauma
G21: Locked Plating
G22: Fragility Fractures
G23: Orthobiologics
G24: Malunions: Principles of Evaluation and Treatment

Instructions for Use:
The lectures have been compressed, for ease of download. They are in Microsoft Powerpoint format. Additional notes and information are provided by many authors in the “meeting notes” section of the ppt, so users may wish to check there for further content. Most talks also conclude with an up-to-date list of references on the topic for further reading. The vast majority of utilization is via online downloads, but surgeons may request a copy of Version III lectures on DVD from the OTA Business Office at if needed.