Recent advances in animal welfare science V
UFAW Animal Welfare Conference
23rd June 2016
York Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, UK
Animal welfare and its science is a multi-disciplinary field that attracts interest from veterinarians, neuroscientists, animal technicians, geographers, agriculturalists, ethicists, lawyers, physiologists and psychologists amongst others in addition to those who working directly with and care for animals and animal welfare scientists themselves. The now established biennial UFAW ‘Recent advances in animal welfare science’ conferences – this being the fifth – offer an opportunity for this extended international ‘family’ to come together and discuss their work and thoughts and to keep abreast of new insights and approaches to better understanding and caring for animals. The growing interest and engagement in animal welfare is demonstrated by the fact that delegates travelled from 19 countries – including Nigeria, Australia, Chile, Canada, Lithuanuia, Germany and Pakistan – to attend this one day meeting that featured its greatest ever number of talks and poster presentations.
Since their inception, these conferences have also sought especially to offer early career researchers a platform, alongside their more established colleagues, from which they could present their work. This year was no exception with many presenting their work for the first time.
The range of species and topics covered was further added to by the many posters displayed at the meeting. A full list of speakers and poster presentations and abstracts can be found by clicking on the ‘Related Link’ to the right
Many thanks to all those who contributed to the meeting, whether as a speaker, poster presenter or chair of a session.

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