List of the gynecology and obstretic lecture slide for free download. click on the related link to download
- reproductive anatomy: Dr. shaima abuzide
- menestruation and ovulation: Dr. Ragab Yamani
- physiological changes of pregnancy: dr.najwa jabu
- Miscarriage and its complications: Dr. Ramadan Gantri
- miscariage : Dr. maryam gweder
- Antinatal care; Dr. Nadia Gantri
- antenatal care; Dr. Naser darag
- Antepartum haemorrhage; Prof. Mohmed Rahuma.
- Antepartum haemorrhage; Dr. Lubna Maghur
- Ectopic pregnancy; Dr. M. Gawass,
- Anemia: Prof. Gawass
- ectopic pregnancy: dr. najwa jabu
- Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; Dr Abdlla Jali
- Gestational trophoblastic diseases; Prof.Abdulrahman Alsharif
- Labour; Prof. Mustafa Gawass
- Pain relif in labour; Dr. L.Almaghur
- Cancer endometrium; Prof. Gawass.
- Benign and premalignant disease of the cervix; Dr. Lubna Almaghur
- Cancer Cervix; Prof. Mustafa Gawass.
- ovarian cancer; Dr. abduhafed abuther.
- vulval cancer; Dr. Emdalla Alashig.
- Obstetric emergecy; Dr. Abdula Abudaber
- Urinnary incntinance; Dr. Nadia Gantri –
- Outline in urodynamics; Dr. Nadia Gantri