USMLE Step 1 Books To Study are essential for the medical students preparing for the USMLE Exam. In order to go for usmle step 2 CK, you need to clear out the usmle step 1 first. You have to go lots of labor and dedication to the USMLE

USMLE Step 1 is a one-day examination. This Exam is divided into seven 60-minute blocks and administered in one 8-hour testing session. As per exam, The number of questions per block on a given examination form may vary, but will not exceed 40. The total number of items on the overall examination form is not exceeded by 280.
The Prometric usmle exams are also essential for the usmle appearing students. All the three USMLE from step 1 usmle to usmle step 3 is one the tough and interesting journey to pass through. After getting these USMLE licences one can work as USMLE doctor US, CANADA, and many more good countries.
List of USMLE Step 1 Books To Study
Let’s go for the best resources for usmle step 1 with book review as below. These books are one the best book selected by the students for high usmle step 1 scores.
1-First Aid USMLE Step 1
This First Aid USMLE usmle step 1 is an ultimate resource book for usmle step1 exam.It contains over 900 frequently tested facts & mnemonics, 24 pages of high-yield color images, 100 clinical vignettes, and a completely revised rating of over 300 basic science review products
This First Aid USMLE usmle step 1 is an ultimate resource book for usmle step1 exam.It contains over 900 frequently tested facts & mnemonics, 24 pages of high-yield color images, 100 clinical vignettes, and a completely revised rating of over 300 basic science review products
2-Kaplan USMLE Step Home Study Program
This is a complete package for performing well on the exam from intensive review materials to effective and realistic practice to test-taking and study strategies
This is a complete package for performing well on the exam from intensive review materials to effective and realistic practice to test-taking and study strategies
3-USMLE Step 1 Secrets.
Contains lots of USMLE Step 1 Secrets with total of 324 pages. Also include a high-yield review with case studies, questions & explanations; by Thomas A. Brown, David Brown
Contains lots of USMLE Step 1 Secrets with total of 324 pages. Also include a high-yield review with case studies, questions & explanations; by Thomas A. Brown, David Brown
4-Rapid Review Series: Usmle Step 1
Rapid review series for USMLE step 1 acquires 314 pages, 350 questions and answers and a CD-ROM containing 1,050 current USMLE-type questions, full-color images, and diagnostic score; by Edward F. Goljan
Rapid review series for USMLE step 1 acquires 314 pages, 350 questions and answers and a CD-ROM containing 1,050 current USMLE-type questions, full-color images, and diagnostic score; by Edward F. Goljan
5-High-Yield Comprehensive USMLE Step 1 Review
This high Yeld comprehensive USMLE review book is A concise but comprehensive review of the content most likely to be tested; by Fadem.
This high Yeld comprehensive USMLE review book is A concise but comprehensive review of the content most likely to be tested; by Fadem.
6-Board Simulator: Normal and Abnormal Processes
Board simulator book contains an Exam review for medical students preparing for the USMLE Step I.
Includes 770 multiple choice questions with annotated answers.
Board simulator book contains an Exam review for medical students preparing for the USMLE Step I.
Includes 770 multiple choice questions with annotated answers.
Step up book contains 339 pages; covers topics required for success on the Boards in an organization that reflects the orientation of Step 1 of the USMLE
Step up book contains 339 pages; covers topics required for success on the Boards in an organization that reflects the orientation of Step 1 of the USMLE
8-Underground Clinical Vignettes USMLE Step 1
Includes UCV Basic Science Color Atlas; Pharmacology; Microbiology, Vols 1 & 2; Pathophysiology, Vols 1-3; Anatomy; Biochemistry; and Behavioral Science.
Includes UCV Basic Science Color Atlas; Pharmacology; Microbiology, Vols 1 & 2; Pathophysiology, Vols 1-3; Anatomy; Biochemistry; and Behavioral Science.
9-BSS: Body Systems Review I
A review for medical students preparing for the USMLE; includes 770 questions
A review for medical students preparing for the USMLE; includes 770 questions
10-BSS: General Principles in the Basic Sciences
This general principle in basic sciences or BSS book is a complete preparation guide for the US medical licensing exams. Includes 770 multiple choice questions with annotated answers.
This general principle in basic sciences or BSS book is a complete preparation guide for the US medical licensing exams. Includes 770 multiple choice questions with annotated answers.
11-PreTest: Clinical Vignettes Usmle Step 1
Review text in question/answer format that simulates the actual exam. Complete Pretest includes 400 timed, clinical-vignette style questions with referenced answers which is very competitive study for the medical students
Review text in question/answer format that simulates the actual exam. Complete Pretest includes 400 timed, clinical-vignette style questions with referenced answers which is very competitive study for the medical students
12-Cracking the Boards: USMLE Step 1
A focused review of all the material. The Bolded key terms contain is a for easy reference, and hundreds of illustrations, charts, and Michael Stein (Editor)
A focused review of all the material. The Bolded key terms contain is a for easy reference, and hundreds of illustrations, charts, and Michael Stein (Editor)
13-Rypins’ Basic Sciences Review
This Rypin’s basic science review contains a complete resource with text, tests, and a chapter explaining how to successfully prepare for medical qualifying exams. Includes a CD-ROM with 1,000 review questions
This Rypin’s basic science review contains a complete resource with text, tests, and a chapter explaining how to successfully prepare for medical qualifying exams. Includes a CD-ROM with 1,000 review questions
14-USMLE Step 1 Made Ridiculously Simple
USMLE Step 1 Made Ridiculously Simple is a logical chart of facts to be studied in with other review books; includes CD-ROM with >1,000 review questions
USMLE Step 1 Made Ridiculously Simple is a logical chart of facts to be studied in with other review books; includes CD-ROM with >1,000 review questions
15-PreTest Self-Assessment and Review
The preTest review book is 151 clinical vignettes with answers referenced to the current literature
The preTest review book is 151 clinical vignettes with answers referenced to the current literature
16-Rapid Preparation for the Usmle Step 1
Rapid Preparation for the Usmle Step 1 contains 406 pages; brief review text, includes questions, clinical cases, illustrations.
Rapid Preparation for the Usmle Step 1 contains 406 pages; brief review text, includes questions, clinical cases, illustrations.
17-Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 1
Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 1 is with 13 comprehensive, 50-question practice tests in the new USMLE Step 1 format for the USMLE Step 1 Preparing students.
Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 1 is with 13 comprehensive, 50-question practice tests in the new USMLE Step 1 format for the USMLE Step 1 Preparing students.
18-Deja Review: USMLE Step 1 Essentials
Deja Review: USMLE Step 1 Essentials contains 192 pages, last-minute cramming, simple, innovative, two-column review format.
19-Rypins’ Q&A for Basic Sciences Review
288 pages aimed at students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and other basic sciences qualifying exams
288 pages aimed at students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and other basic sciences qualifying exams
20-USMLE Step 1 Recall: Buzzwords for Boards
study guide using the question-and-answer format to facilitate the memorization of the basic science disciplines
467pages; by Brent A. Reinheimer
study guide using the question-and-answer format to facilitate the memorization of the basic science disciplines
467pages; by Brent A. Reinheimer
21-Blueprints Q&A USMLE Step 1
167 pages practice exam of 350 questions to simulate the Boards like the actual exam, divided into blocks containing 50 questions.
167 pages practice exam of 350 questions to simulate the Boards like the actual exam, divided into blocks containing 50 questions.
22-Research & Education Assn: Usmle Step 1
1200 pages for 3 exams totaling 2100 questions; rapid review style
1200 pages for 3 exams totaling 2100 questions; rapid review style
23-Lange Q&A: USMLE Step 1
1,000 Q&A, comprehensive review and 2 practice tests, in USMLE format
1,000 Q&A, comprehensive review and 2 practice tests, in USMLE format
24-Appleton & Lange Outline Review for USMLE Step 1
300 pages; high-yield review for basic science subjects tested in the USMLE Step 1, by Joel S. Goldberg
300 pages; high-yield review for basic science subjects tested in the USMLE Step 1, by Joel S. Goldberg
25-Laughing Your Way to Passing the USMLE
200 pages, Medhumor Publications, crossword puzzles, keyword associations
200 pages, Medhumor Publications, crossword puzzles, keyword associations