While you are preparing the thesis or article, the citation and reference part is one of the tackling job. If you have references on word or pdfm formatat you can transfer or expert them into endnot or refworks . here is the steps how to perfrom by suing wizfolio homepage.
1. Go to the  WizFolio home page:
2. Select Sign Up Now and create a free Wizfolio account.  Once you have the account, you can log in back at the home page:
3. Open your Word document and select your entire bibliography:

4. In your WizFolio account hold your mouse over the Add icon toward the top center of the Wizfolio window.  Select Import from Clipboard:
5. Paste your text into the box  that opens. You should  see Wizfolio inserting blank lines between the references in your bibliography:
6.  After WizFolio has inserted the spaces, click the Import Now button in the lower right corner of the page. WizFolio will attempt to locate and import records from PubMed and other sources:
7.  Select all the citations you’ve just imported. Click the Export button at the top of the page then select Export to RIS:
8.  Save the file.  It will be called MyReferences.ris.
1.  Open EndNote.
2.  Locate the MyReferences.ris file and open it.  It should import directly into EndNote:
3.  If it does not directly import into Endnote, import using the Import function using   Reference Manager (RIS) as your Import Option.
1. Import using the Import function , selecting RIS Format
Imported references:
Be certain to check that all the information has been correctly imported.

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