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HomeQuestion CollectionsPGI QuestionsPGI MCQ Discussion Recall |November 2016

PGI MCQ Discussion Recall |November 2016

PGI Nov. 2016 Recall MCQ Discussion
1) Posterior interosseous nerve supplies all except – flexor carpi ulnaris/ extensor digitorum/ extensor indices/ extensor communis/
2) Structures in anterior compartment of leg – peroneus longus/ peroneus brevis/ peroneus tertius/ flexor hallucis longus/ flexor digitorum longus
3) Which flexor tendon zone is known as “No man’s land” – zone1/ zone2/ zone3/ zone4/ zone5
4) Vestibular nerve
5) Sense of smell – receptors are present throughout upper nasal tract/ sensation relays in thalamus/
6) Cross section through medulla at the level of olives contains which all structures – nucleus ambiguous/ nucleus tractus solitaries/ vagal nucleus/ vestibular nucleus
7) Structures passing through aortic hiatus of diaphragm – aorta/ IVC/ thoracic duct/ vagus/
8) Primary neuro-ectodermal tumours
9) Trochlear nerve – arises from ventral surface of brain/ damage causes ipsilateral superior oblique palsy/
10) True about meiosis – do not occur in somatic cells as DNA of progeny is tendered haploid/ one spermatocyte produces one sperm and one oocyte produces one ovum/
11) Division after fertilization – if within 72hrs results in dichorionic diamniotic twin/ if after germ disc formation results in conjoint tendon/ if within 5-8 days result in monochorionic monoamniotic twin/ if after 8 days result in monochorionic monoamniotic twin
12) Fast adapting receptors – pain/ golgi tendon/ muscle spindle/ pacinian corpuscle/
13) Subunits of 50s RNA – 5S/23S
14) Which RNAs contain unusual purines and pyrimidine’s – tRNA, rRNA, mRNA
15) Hyperuricemia is seen in – HGPRTase deficiency/ HGPRT OVERACTIVITY/ PRPP deficiency/
16) Which are inherited malignancies – breast/ thyroid/ retinoblastoma/ Wilms/ nasopharyngeal carcinoma
17) Homeotic genes
18) Cytochrome p450 functions
19) Chromatin remodelling involves –
20) Photosensitivity is not seen in which porphyria – variegate/ erythropoietic/ congenital erythropoietic/ acute intermittent/ porphyria cutanea tarda
21) In haemolytic anaemia – increased bilirubin is seen in urine/ urine urobilinogen increases/ faecal urobilinogen increases/ unconjugated bilirubin increases/ conjugated bilirubin increases
22) Amino acids containing hydroxyl group – serine/ threonine/ valine/
23) Inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation
24) Caspases
25) Protein misfolding is seen in which disease
26) Takayasu arteritis – small and medium vessel/granulomatous
27) Insulinomas – multiple/associated with MEN1/ encapsulated
28) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid – always associated with MEN2B/
29) Cystic fibrosis
30) Gas gangrene
31) Proximal renal tubular acidosis is seen in – multiple myeloma/lead toxicity/
32) Patterson-Kelly syndrome
33) True features of arterial aneurysms
34) Schatzki ring
35) Seminoma
36) Stains for collagen, elastin, glycogen, iron
37) Pathological discharge from breast – bilateral spontaneous/ bloody discharge/ unilateral only on squeezing/
38) PAS stains what all? – basic and neutral mucin/
39) Most common location of Negri bodies – hippocampus/ cerebral cortex/ cerebellum/ basal ganglia
40) Two questions on SCID
41) Sarcoidosis X-ray features in stage 2 – mediastinal mass/ hilar lymphadenopathy/
42) Minimal change glomerular disease – does not progress to CKD/ most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults/
43) Causes of tubular proteinuria
44) Adult polycystic kidney disease – USG shows multiple renal cysts/ renal enlargement/ decreased size of kidney/ spider web appearance on urography/ bell appearance on urography
45) Autoclaving is done for what type of instruments – glass/ wood/ plastic/ metallic/ scopes
46) Tests to check pasteurization
47) Pseudomonas – produces pigment pyocyanin/
48) Question on how pathogens avoid/escape host defence mechanism
49) DNA viruses – hepadena/parvo/orthomyxo/herpes/enteroviruses
50) Zika viruses – flavivirus/ features in eye/ incubation period
51) Dengue virus –flavivirus/most important vector is Aedis albopictus /
52) Parasite which infects through aquatic vegetation – fasciola hepatica/ fasciola buski/
53) Match parasite with its ?reservoir /?intermediate host – Cyclops & dracunculiasis/
54) Arthropod d/s select correct dyad – Oriental sore & Sand fly/ Endemic typhus & Rat flea/ Kala-azar & Black fly/ Louse &
55) Scrub typhus
56) Features differentiating Actinomyces from Nocardia
57) Dermatophytes cause – Madura foot/ athlete’s foot/ favus/kerion/
58) Tacrolimus
59) Mirtazapine
60) Newer drugs used in MDR TB – bedaquiline/
61) Perjury
62) Absolute grounds for divorce – infertility/ impotence/ adultery/ age of girl less than 15yrs at time of marriage/
63) Which is not a method of crime scene examination – grid/ strip/ composite/ wheel/ point-to-point
64) Features of gunshot wound
65) What is corpus delicti
66) Delayed neuropathy in OPP
67) Serous otitis media
68) True about ear wax –
69) Peritonsillar abscess features – severe bilateral sore throat/ hot potato voice/ inability to swallow even saliva/ deviation of base of uvula/
70) Foreign body in ear – most common site of impaction is medial to isthmus/ GA is preferred in children to remove it/ removal of round objet can be done by a blunt hook
71) Epistaxis – Keisselbach’s plexus is source in 90% cases/ if anterior pack is left in situ for more than 48hrs antibiotic coverage is a must/
72) Antrochoanal polyp –
73) Components of Vision 2020
74) Acanthamoeba infection of eye – more in those wearing rigid gas permeable than soft contact lenses/
75) Cataract in myotonic dystrophy – anterior subcapsular/posterior subcapsular/ cortical/ nuclear/
76) Iron deposition in cornea – ? ferry’s line/ tear will contain iron/ Halle’s line/
77) Advantage of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis
78) WHO definition of blindness
79) Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome
80) Program evaluation review technique
81) Regarding representation of data – histogram-discrete values/ pie diagram – rectangle/ scatter diagram -?/ regression can be depicted in a graph
82) Dengue fever – caused by flavivirus/ tourniquet test shows more than 10spots/ vaccine preventable/ most important vectors in India are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus
83) Alzheimer’s d/s
84) Low molecular weight heparin
85) Comprehension is preserved in – Brocas aphasia/ Wernickes aphasia/ Conduction aphasia/ Global aphasia/
86) LFT Monitoring is needed in which DMARD – 1.methotrexate, 2.Gold, 3.Leflunomide, 4.hydroxychloroquine
87) Correct normal values – K+: 3.5-5mmol/L, Na:138-145mmol/L, Ca: 8.5-10.9mg/dL, Creatinine – 0.6-2.6mg/dL,
88) Type 2 respiratory failure is seen in – acute exacerbation of COPD/ acute exacerbation of asthma/ pulmonary embolism
89) Cutaneous markers of internal malignancy
90) Torsades de pointes
91) Atrial flutter –narrow complex tachycardia with rate around 150/ no p wave/ due to re-entry/
92) Cancers in HIV patients
93) Nikolsky’s sign is seen in
94) ITP
95) Coeliac d/s
96) Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis features –
97) Bronchogenic cysts
98) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
99) Sjogren’s syndrome
100) Testing for suspected H1N1 cases –
101) Serum marker in c/c hepatitis – HBsAg/ HBeAg/ AntiHBe
102) Stem cell transplant in liver d/s which is the safest – cord blood/ person’s own skin cell transformed into pluripotent cell/
103) Question on CJD
104) Aortic stenosis
105) Atrial septal defect –
106) S4 heart sound
107) Transudative pleural effusion is seen in – urinothorax/ myxoedema/
108) Hypercalcemia is seen in which malignancy – small cell ca of lung/ non-small cell ca of lung/ prostate ca/ breast ca
109) True about Felty’s syndrome – splenomegaly/ seropositive for rheumatoid factor
110) Causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis
111) MDR TB facts – like prevalence etc.
112) Imaging finings of multiple sclerosis
113) Brain stimulation is done in all except – deep brain stimulation/cognitive therapy/ECT
114) Features of delirium tremens
115) CAD is associated with which type of ?personality – type A/ B/ C/ D/ E
116) Defence mechanism in OCD
117) Acantholysis is not seen in
118) 2 nerves are involved in a person with leprosy (sural nerve and??) – type of regimen you will give
119) Importance of lepromin test – only epidemiological significance/ can be used to identify resistance to leprosy/
120) Contents of surviving sepsis bundle
121) Colorectal carcinoma
122) Primary sclerosing cholangitis
123) HNPCC and associated malignancies – ovary/endometrium/breast/thyroid
124) Regarding PSA – elevated in 90% of those with prostate malignancy/ normally less than 10ng/ cannot be used to detect recurrence/
125) Post-op wound infection – most commonly involves flora in OT/ can be called so only if it occurs within 14days of surgery/ can occur upto 1yr if implant left in situ
126) Regarding pre-op antibiotic prophylaxis – should be started 2 days before surgery/ mostly given half an hour prior to surgery/ not needed in clean surgery/
127) Occlusive dressings – provides mechanical support/ prevents microbial entry/ wide mesh enhances it/
128) Non-degradable sutures – silk/ catgut/ polypropylene/ nylon/ polyester amide
129) Pneumothorax – 20% pneumothorax in a 20yr old lady requires percutaneous aspiration only/ 1st time left sided pneumothorax in a person who has had a single episode of right sided pneumothorax does not need pleurodesis/
130) Thyroid carcinoma – features of hurthles, papillary, etc.
131) Question on post-op colonic/gastric motility, early obstruction – ?adhesion, early post-op ileus
132) True about hypospadiasis – proximal variety more common/ dorsal chordee/ associated with testicular torsion
133) Surgical wound class 3
134) Peptic ulcer disease – ?2 questions – options included vagotomy to decease acid secretion, early dumping syndrome & hypoglycaemia, Bilroth I surgery
135) GCS of E1VtM2 what is not required – head end elevation/ stress ulcer prophylaxis/ DVT prophylaxis/ CVP monitoring/ TPN
136) Vomiting centre involved in post-op vomiting
137) Anaesthetic drugs causing seizures –enflurane/atracurium
138) What all can occur during post-op recovery? – sedation/ nausea/ vomiting/ pain/ shivering
139) Caudal anaesthesia in children
140) Which gas is stored in liquid form – N2/ He/ O2/ CO2/ N2O/ Cyclopropane
141) Xenon gas – inert/ low blood solubility
142) Pirani scoring (CTEV) includes which all factors
143) Causes of avascular necrosis of hip
144) TB spine
145) ACL injury
146) Vulvodynia
147) Intussusception in children
148) Difference between MELD criteria and Child Pugh scoring system
149) Breast milk jaundice
150) Rickets with increased phosphate
151) True about newborns – APGAR at 1min??/ APGAR at 5min has no prognostic value/ RR is 30-60/
152) True about newborn reflexes – when arm is flexed elbow crosses midline/ tap on patella – other limb gets extended/ parachute reflex doesn’t appear upto 12 months of birth
153) Features of oesophageal atresia with trachea-oesophageal fistula – excess salivation/ oligohydramnios/ tube passes into stomach/
154) Paracetamol toxicity in children
155) Human milk contains more of what when compared to cow’s milk – protein/ calcium/iron/ carbohydrate/ fat
156) Omphalocoele – covered by peritoneum/ covered by amniotic membrane/
157) According to IAP recommendation which vaccine should be given at age 2 – MMR, Inactivated polio virus booster, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, typhoid vaccine,
158) Features of constitutional growth delay
159) Risks of persistent breech – cord prolapse/
160) Complications of shoulder dystocia – maternal pelvis fracture/ birth asphyxia/
161) Risk factors for obstetric haemorrhage – obesity/ instrumental delivery/
162) Amniocentesis vs. CVS – amniocentesis in 1st trimester has lower risk of pregnancy los than 2nd trimester amniocentesis/ amniocentesis in 1st trimester has increased risk of tallipes/ in 2nd trimester CVS is better/
163) IVF is done in which conditions – distal tube obstruction/bilateral tube blockage/no male factor infertility/PCOS
164) High risk foetus is seen in – twinning/birth order more than3/birth weight less than 3kg/failure to gain weight for 2 consecutive months/
165) C-OCP advantage and disadvantages – reduces risk of benign breast disease/reduces risk of venous thromboembolism/
166) Delivery of HIV +ve woman – vaginal delivery has higher risk than CS for transmission of HIV to child
167) Delivery of woman with NYHA class 3 or 4
168) CVS factors influencing management of pregnant woman with cardiac disease – increase in cardiac output by 20%/ increase in blood volume by 40%/ hypercoagulability of pregnancy in a woman who was previously on anticoagulants
169) Ca. cervix
170) Radiation is not given to which group of lymph nodes in ca cervix – inguinal/external iliac/common iliac/
171) Vagina – lined by columnar epithelium/ lined by stratified non keratinised epithelium/ anterior wall is longer than posterior/ vaginal secretion??
172) NTD is seen with – methotrexate/
173) Fat necrosis in women – more common in lactating women/ can be differentiated from malignancy on imaging/ history of trauma can be elicited in 90% cases/
174) Which is not a ?fertility method of contraception – rhythm method/withdrawal/ emergency pill/ basal temp charting/
175) Oral iron therapy
176) Effects of oestrogen – breast stromal development/ development of lobules & alveoli of breast
177) Ovulation is induced by – gonadotropin surge/
178) Maximum risk to foetus occur when maternal infection with rubella occurs during which of the following times – 6 to 12 wks/ 12 to 24 wks/


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