mNepal Medical Council (NMC) special exam for the yeare 2073  has been urgently postponed 2 months back then the previous notice.  The Published notice dates are as follows :
Changed Exam Date of NMC


Previous Dates for NMC Special Examination:

  • First Examination: 2073 Ashad 11, Saturday (25 June, 2016)
  • Second Examination: 2073 Magha 8, saturday (21 January, 2017)


Dates for NMC Licensing examination:
First Examination: 2073 Sharwan 15, Saturday (30 July, 2016)
Second Examination: 2073 Mangsir 11 (26 November, 2016)
Third Examination: 2073 Chaitra 12 (25th March, 2017)
NMC Specialty Exam 2073 postponed 2 months back

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