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HomeExam stuffsPMDC Step 1 MCQs answers June 2019

PMDC Step 1 MCQs answers June 2019

PMDC Step 1 MCQs answers June 2019


1. Dx of DM HbA1c — 6-13%
2. Oral glucose test – DM normal
3. Peptic ulcer short acting anti ulcer
4. COPD patient moxifloxacin use for- 14 days
5. Secular trend
6. Haloperidol induce tremors — bromicriptin ??
7. Oral anti asthmatic 2 mCqs sodium chromy and salbutamol
8. Chemotherapy induce vomiting – ondasetron
9. Transusative — low protein
10. Enalapril – dry cough
11. Gastaional DM – regular insulin
12. Stylomastoid foramen- facial nerve
13. Tennis player- ECR
14. Ewing sarcoma- onion skin
15. Osteosarcoma- sun rays
16. Fetal period – 9th week
17. Aorotic opening – azygous vein
18. Esophageal opening – T10
19. Isthmus of thyroid – 3,4,5 tracheal ring
20. Middle nasal concha – ethmoid bone
21. Milky plasma appearance – chylomicron ?
22. Infant bleeding – vit k
23. Lactase – milk , bloating
24. Alcoholic- thiamine
25. Skin rashes, diarrhea – tryphtopan
26. Flouriquinolone – anthropathy
27. Hypertriglycerdemia – lipoprotein lipsse def
28. Crease etc – Down syndrome- 21
29. Gum hyper plasia – phenytoin
30. Digoxin toxicity – hypokalemia
31. Tall T wave – hyperaklemia
32. Isoniazid- periphreal neuropthy
33. Hyperuricemia – pyrazinamide
34. CAP- levofloxacin
35. Taxi driver – fexofendine
36. Cinchonism – quinine
37. Insuline – hypoglycemia
38. Metformin- lactic acidosis
39. Pulmonary edema – furosemide
40. Oral thrush – nystatin
41. Fetal lung maturation – betamethasone
42. Type 2 alveolar cell – lung maturation
43. Abx induced diarrhea – vancomycin
44. Equity ???
45. Increase GFr – efferent arteriole
46. Ephedrine- arteriole
47. AV nodal delay – propranolol
48. High amylase – acute pancreatitis
49. Breast carcinoma – family history
50. whisplash injury – hyperextension
51. Hospital waste – incineration
52. BMI – height for weight
53. Hepatitis c , ascitis, esoph varices – cirrhosis
54. Allergy symptoms- mast cells activation
55. Inc anoin gap – metabolic acidosis
56. BHU – 5400
57. Interferon SE – flue like symptoms , muscle ache
58. Nerve between c5, c6 – 5
59. Bradycardia due to Vegal – attophin
60. Salbutmol – tremors
61. Vitamin a – xerophthalmia
62. Paget disease — inc ALP
63. Blood transfusion – O neg
64. Pulmonary larevea – ascaris
65. Liver injury – SGPt
66. Heinz bodies – G6PD def
67. Patient death in delivery- criminal neg
68. More bleeding – incised wound
69. Blast injury – lung stab wound inform police
70. Multiple throat cut – suicide
71. Bird foot injury – driver car accident
72. Severe starvation – aminoacid
73. Trop T – MI
74. CKMB – MI
75. WHO recommended salt – 2 g
76. Tartian malaria- primaquin
77. Steroid SE – osteoporosis
78. Epidemic goitor- potassium iodine
79. Acute endocarditis- s aurues
80. S2 heart sound
81. Strong prokinatic – metaclopramide
82. Essential HTN – labetolol
83. Resting tremors
84. Factor lll def
85. Antiphopholipid syndrome
86. Renord phenomena
87. Nessel bodies – RER in neurone
88. Pencil cells – further Ix
89. Neural tube defect menegoclee – folic acid
90. Eggshell appearance- silicosis
91. Detective hepatitis
92. Oligodendrocytes – multiple sclerosis
93. Outstretch injury – ulnar Nerve
94. Palmar crease – Down syndrome
95. Marfan syndrome
96. Turner syndrome
97. Antisnake venom – IM and IV
98. Ulcerative colitis – sulfasalazine
99. Measle — paramyxo virus
100. Unable to comb hair – spinal accessory
101. Epistaxis location – septum
102. Body builder muscle atrophy – axillary
103. Knee jerk nerve involvement
104. Foot drop – deep paroneal Nerve
105. Grafting – greater saphenous vein
106. Antioxidants – E
107. Motion sickness- scopolamine
108. Pt meal after poisoning , died — fatty meal
109. Gunshot – 8yard
110. Bullet from organ – rubber forcep
111. Bleeding from ear — leg strangulation
112. Sea water — kidney demage
113. Chelation use for – metal
114. Vomiting poisonings- salt
115. Retroperitoneal pain back – supra renal gland
116. Yellow discharge with foul fishy smell
117. Child foreign body obstruction – right main bronchus
118. UTI – E. coli
119. Postmeopasual women – LH, FSH increase , estrogeni Dec.
120. Acute pancreatitis- anulare increase
121. Jaundice , pruritis- ALP
122. Caseous necrosis with epetheloid cells – TB
123. Haemtogenous spread – overian CA
124. Pancrease CA spread – CBD
125. Pregnant women embolism – fat embolism ?
126. Criminal age — 7 yrs
127. Certificate- authorised MO
128. Post-mortem (exhumation) in Pakistan – no limit
129. Destropic calcification
130. Myoma


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