Reference and Text Books for MBBS Second year Students are listed out below . The second year MBBS include Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology and Forensic Medicine . Here are the list of references and Text books
Reference and Text Books for MBBS Second year Students are as follows.
Pharmacology Books for MBBS Students
- Goodman & Gilman’s Pharmacology
- Rang and Dale Pharmacology
- Katzung’s Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
- Essentials Of Medical pharmacology By KD Tripathi
- Shanbhag Pharmacology
- Padmaja uday kumar pharmacology
- Sharma and Sharma: Pharmacology
- Lippincott’s illustrated reviews
- Essentials Of pharmacology By Shah Nawaz
- Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Pathology Books fro MBBS Students
- Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology, 7th Edition
- Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Edition
- Goljan Rapid Review Pathology 4th Edition
- Fundamentals of Pathology Pathoma 2017
- Harsh Mohan – Pathology Quick Review and MCQs
- Deja Review Pathology
- Ramdas Nayak Pathology
- Fundamentals of Pathology Pathoma
- 100 Case Studies in Pathophysiology
Forensic Medicine Books for MBBS Second year
- Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Nagesh Kumar
- Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology: Reddy.
- Text Book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicocolgy VV pillay
- Review of FOrensic Medicne and Toxicology : gautam Biswas, Jaypee publications
Microbiology Books for MBBS Second year
- Ananthanarayan and Paniker’s Textbook of Microbiology
- Essentials of Medical Microbiology – Apurba Sankar Sastry
- Paniker’s Textbook of Medical Parasitology
- Essentials of Medical Microbiology Surinder Kumar
- Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology
- Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- Murray’s Medical Microbiology
Great article about mbbs course. Thanks for this article.