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HomeMicrobiology SlidesMicrobiology Lecture Notes and Powerpoint slides

Microbiology Lecture Notes and Powerpoint slides

Lecture Notes from at Wilkes University

click to download the lecture and handouts notes
Lecture 2: Chemical Principles – Bond types, reactions, organic compounds Lecture 2 handout
Lecture 3: Macromolecules – Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids Lecture 3 handout
Lecture 4: Prokaryotic Cell Biology – Structures external to the cell membrane Lecture 4 handout
Lecture 5: Prokaryotic Cell Biology – Structures internal to the cell wall Lecture 5 handout
Lecture 6: Microbial Metabolism – Activities and regulation of enzymes Lecture 6 handout
Lecture 7: Microbial Metabolism – Oxidation/reduction, mechanisms of ATP generation, glycolysis, Krebs cycle Lecture 7 handout
Lecture 8: Microbial Metabolism – Electron transport, chemiosmotic ATP production, fermentation Lecture 8 handout
Lecture 11: Microbial Genetics – Structure and function of genetic material, DNA replication Lecture 11 handout
Lecture 12: Microbial Genetics – RNA and protein synthesis, the genetic code Lecture 12 handout
Lecture 13: Microbial Genetics – Regulation by repression, induction and attenuation Lecture 13 handout
Lecture 14: Microbial Genetics – Types of mutations, mutagenic agents, identifying mutants and mutagens Lecture 14 handout
Lecture 15: Microbial Genetics – Genetic transfer and recombination in bacteria Lecture 15 handout
Lecture 17: Viruses – Characteristics and classification of viruses, growth of viruses in the laboratory Lecture 17 handout
Lecture 18: Viruses – Viral multiplication strategies Lecture 18 handout
Lecture 19: Viruses – Effects of viruses on host cells, viruses and cancer Lecture 19 handout
Lecture 20: Epidemiology – Normal flora, Koch’s postulates, classifying infections Lecture 20 handout
Lecture 21: Epidemiology – Spread of infection, chain of transmission, patterns of infection Lecture 21 handout
Lecture 22: Mechanisms of Pathogenicity – Invasion, virulence factors, damage to host cells Lecture 22 handout
Lecture 23: Nonspecific Host Defenses – Barriers, formed blood elements, inflammation, complement Lecture 23 handout
Lecture 24: Specific Host Defenses – Types of acquired immunity, the nature of antibodies, humoral immunity Lecture 24 handout
Lecture 25: Specific Host Defenses – T cells and cell-mediated immunity Lecture 25 handout
Lecture 26: Applications of Immunology – Vaccines, diagnostic immunology Lecture 26 handout
Lecture 27: Immunological Disorders – Hypersensitivities, autoimmunity Lecture 27 handout
Lecture 28: Antimicrobial Drugs – Mechanisms of action, antibacterial drugs, antiviral and antifungal drugs Lecture 28 handout
Lecture 29: Microbial diseases of the skin and eye Lecture 29 handout
Lecture 30: Microbial infections of nervous system Lecture 30 handout
Lecture 31: Bacterial infections of the cardiovascular system Lecture 31 handout
Lecture 32: Viral, protozoal and helminthic infections of the cardiovascular system Lecture 32 handout
Lecture 33: Microbial infections of hte upper respiratory tract Lecture 33 handout
Lecture 34: Microbial infections of the lower respiratory tract Lecture 34 handout
Lecture 35: Bacterial infections of the digestive system Lecture 35 handout
Lecture 36: Viral and protozoal infections of the digestive system Lecture 36 handout
Lecture 37: Microbial infections of the genital and urinary systems Lecture 37 handout


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