For Appearing HAAD Exam, which is the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD) . HAAD Exam Sample Questions for Doctors are the licence exam question you have to get through before entering there.
Exam for Doctors in Abu Dhabi must obtain specific licenses from HAAD depending on whether they are interns, general practitioners, specialists, consultants or resident doctors.
In the same way , Dentists must obtain specific licenses from HAAD depending on whether they are interns, general dentists, specialists, consultants or resident dentists. Here are some HAAD Sample Question Practice for GP (General Practitioner)
HAAD Exam Sample Questions for GP Doctors
- Drug for hypertension most commonly used during pregnancy – alpha-methyl DOPA
- MVP patient required prophylaxis for endocarditis during the dental procedure when assoc with MR
- Temporal Arteritis – (case of a typical patient with s/s given) old lady with pain over one side of head.
- Temporal Arteritis – diagnosed by ESR
- Most common cause of pneumococcal Pneumonia and how to diagnose (patient with shaking chills, with signs of high fever and difficulty breathing)
- Anaemia – Anaemia of chronic disease with RA TH о treat underlying diseases.
- Most common cause of traveler’s diarrhea – E.Coli Management of Traveller’s diarrhea.
- Appendicitis in elderly patients онsc chances of perforation.
- Case scenario of a typical case of Guillain Barrre Syndrome
- Management of recurrent acne (papules & pustules)
- Source of infection of Schistomiasis and how it infects.
- In (gout – pseudogout) how the diagnosis о cynovial fluid, monosodium urate crystals.
- Vaginal Pruritus & discharge – candidiasis, no itching – Bact. Vaginosis.
- Stahylococcal food poisoning.
- Pseudomonas colitis due to toxins by clostridium difficile.
- Metartarsal stress fracture
- DIC опplatelet count, нPT & PTT schistocytes
- Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo
- Carcinoid syndrome – diag – urine for 5 HIAA
- Migraine – Diagnosis (patient with s/s)
- Clinical Difference of Pleural effusion & pericardial tamponade
- Cl. Diff. of pericarditis & Cardiac tamponade
- PDA – continuous machinery murmur
- Glaucoma – acute angle closure glaucoma – management
- Optic neuritis – diagnosis
- Orbital Cellulitis – pH Diagnosis
- Breast lumps – Mammography findings
- Medical ethics – Autonomy, Veracity, Informed consent
- Best for diagnosis of Iron deficiency Anaemia – S. Ferritin.
- Diagnosis of H.Pylori
- Coarctation of aorta – diagnosis – ASD
- Acute intermittent porphyria – diagnosis.
- Polycythemia Vera – Diagnosis.
- Roseola }Erythema infectiosum }Rubella } DiagnosisRubeola (Measles) }Varicella }
- Hep B – Antigen & Antibody fter vaccination – Ag & Ab
- Panic disorder – sign & symptoms
- Therapy of psychotic disorder
- Therapy of depression (antidepressants) – drugs, side effects, SSRI, TCA, MAOI, Bupropion
- Diff. bet Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform disorder, Brief psychotic disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- ADHD – m/m
- Hypochondriasis, Malingering, Factitious disorder (diff)
- Case-control study, cohort study (diff)
- Ectopic pregnancy (diagnosis)
- Endometriosis
- PID & IUCD (Management)
- Fibroid – M/M
- Developmental milestones
- Parvovirus EB19 – erythema infectiosum
- Erb Palsy
- Acute Otitismedia – most common complication
- Epiglotitis & Viral croup (Diff)
- Developmental Dysplasia of hip (diagnosis)
- Nocturnal enuresis (m/m)
- Sleepwalking, nightmares (m/m)
- Breath-holding spells (m/m)
- Toxic shock syndrome (cause, symp – diagnosis)
- Inf. Mononucleosis – cause
- Osteosarcoma, Ewing Sarcoma, osteoid osteoma (diagnosis)
- Cystic fibrosis
- Strep throat in – cause – diagnosis – TH
- Impetigo – cause, TH
- Uterine atony
- Mitral Stenosis
- Klinefelter’s Syndrome
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Ankylosing spondylitis – Diagnosis
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