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The “N” stands for “Not resistant…to..and the evaluation requirements for N95 masks

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N95 is one of the filter standards (42CFR84) for respirator type masks
prescribed by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) in 1995. It is recommended for serious communicable
diseases such as tuberculosis, SARS, and influenza.The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks The “N” stands for
“Not resistant to oil,” and the evaluation requirements for N95 masks
stricter than for surgical masks and they also have high filtration efficiency.


New-strain influenzas are easily transmitted from person to person because humans have almost no immunity to them, they could create a global pandemic, and could have a major impact on society accompanying a major health hazard.
The government has established an action plan to prepare for the occurrence of a new-strain influenza and is proceeding with preparations based on this plan.
It is recommended that as part of the national and local government response that medical facilities be stocked with personal protective gear (including N95) to suppress the spread of infection and minimize the damage if a new-strain influenza occurs. (Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website)
*Following table: NIOSH anti-dust mask grades
The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks
The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks
USA StandardJapanese StandardTest Dust/Test
Flow Volume
NIOSHFiltration RateDisposableReplaceableFiltration rate
N9595% or moreDS2RS295.0% or moreNaCl
N9999% or more
N10099.97% or moreDS3RS399.9% or more
R9595% or moreDioctyl phthalate
R9999% or more
R10099.97% or more
P9595% or moreDL2RL295.0% or moreDioctyl phthalate
P9999% or more
P10099.97% or moreDL3RL399.9% or more
The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks
The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks
The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks
The “N” stands for “Not the evaluation requirements for N95 masks