PubMed is one of the popular and huge medical and health related online databases worldwide. It comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature in health and medical field . All the countries around the world following the national PubMed and it has been one of the popular among the researchers. Not only the developed countries, the developing countries are also in it . The pub-med database is increasing day by day.  Lots of journals around the world had been indexed according to its popularity. In Nepal also the research in health is being inscreased day by day . The online journal off Nepal has been indexed by pubmed is comparatively increasing though there are less amount of the journals. So, here we have collected and listed the Pubmed Indexed Medical Journals of Nepal as below. The list will be updated as soon as there is others.

Pubmed Indexed Medical Journals of Nepal

List of Pubmed Indexed Medical Journals of Nepal

Kathmandu University Medical Journal

Kathmandu University Medical Journal (KUMJ) is one of the official journal of Kathmandu University (KU) of Nepal . It  is published jointly by the medical colleges under its affiliation of KU with the sole aim of promoting and sharing quality medical information.  It   is a quarterly, indexed, peer-reviewed, open-access, international medical journal [ISSN 1812-2027 (Print) and 4812-2078 .The online journal can be viewed at It is not only indexed by  MEDLINE/PubMed and is also selected for coverage by ELSEVIER BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASES including EMBASE, EMNursing, Compendex, GEOBASE, Mosby Yearbooks Scoupus.

Journal of Nepal Medical Association

Journal of Nepal Medical Association (JNMA) is the first and oldest medical journal from Nepal . It is an internationally peer-reviewed Journal of Nepal . It is MedLine/PubMed indexed, a general medical journal of Nepal Medical Association. . JNMA is available at PubMedDOAJGoogle Scholar, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, EMBASE and other repositories.
JNMA abide by:
1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors for Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
2. World Association of Medical Editors for best editorial practice
3. Council of Science Editors for best editorial practice
3. Committee on Publication Ethics for practicing good publication ethics
You can also view our author guideline (printed version) from HERE  and Online Version can be obtained at JNMA Site.

Journal of Nepal Pediatrics Society

Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society is the official journal of Nepal Paediatric Society. It is a peer reviewed, open access, paediatric journal and follows the general principles of scientific publications. It is a paediatric journal which publishes articles related to all aspects of health care in neonates, children and adolescents.

Online Site is Here

Journal of Pathology of Nepal

The Journal of Pathology of Nepal is the official publication of the Association of Clinical Pathologists of Nepal (ACPN) and doesn’t charge any fee for submission, processing, and publication, All articles are Open Access.

Online Access Here

Nepal Journal of Epidemiology

Nepal Journal of Epidemiology is a international journal that encompasses all aspects of epidemiology.  This journal is publised by International Nepal Epidemiological Association (INEA). The journal encourages communication among those engaged in the research, teaching, and application of epidemiology of both communicable and non-communicable disease, including research into health services and medical care. Also covered are new methods, epidemiological and statistical, for the analysis of data used by those who practice social and preventive medicine. It provides the most up-to-date, original, well designed, well interpreted and significant information source in the multidisciplinary field of epidemiology.

Online Access Here

Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

NEPAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY (NJOG) is an open access Journal published by Nepal Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to provide academic platform for its members and to ensure their scientific involvement in establishing scientific culture by promoting sharing newer development in different areas of obstetrics and gynecology.

Online Accesses Here


These list are updated till the date. so if any other journals not listed here , do give your suggestions in comment.

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