The sixth edition of ABC of Diabetes book provides a complete overview of diabetes including the aetiology, diagnosis and management of Types 1 and 2 diabetes, detection and prevention, and the organization of care and support. It covers the early recognition of diabetes and cardiovascular risk as well as preventing complications specific to diabetes.
It also addresses the need to deliver diabetes care in a multidisciplinary setting, including the UK Quality and Outcomes Framework, and reflects the increasing emphasis on self-management and patient-centered care, particularly as it relates to lifestyle changes, glycaemic control and patient choice over treatment options.
Contents : of ABC of Diabetes
1 Diagnosing Diabetes, 1
2 Types of Diabetes, 5
3 Helping People Live with Diabetes, 8
4 Early Detection and Prevention of Diabetes, 12
5 Cardiovascular Disease, 19
6 Management of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes, 25
7 Hyperglycaemic Emergencies and Management of Diabetes in Hospital, 31
8 Insulin Therapy, 34
9 Hypoglycaemia, 37
10 Self-Management of Diabetes, 40
11 Surveillance for Complications, 47
12 Kidney Disease in Diabetes, 51
13 Eye Disease in Diabetes, 58
14 The Diabetic Foot, 64
15 Diabetic Neuropathy, 72
16 Psychological Issues Related to Diabetes Care, 75
17 Diabetes and Pregnancy, 80
18 Organisation of Diabetes Care in General Practice, 88
19 New and Emerging Therapies for Diabetes, 93
20 Support for People
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