NMCLE Questions 22th dec. 2007 – 27-12-2007
List of the Questions
- most common parotid gland tumour >> mixed (pleomorphic)
- which of the following vaccine is live attenuated >> Mumps MEASLEs BCG
- which of the following is the complication of Diptheria >>myocarditis
- in measles rashes starts from >> FACE trunk hand
- which of the following is best method for the study of Rare disease>> CASE CONTROL cohort experimeantal
Illusion is >> false interpretation of stimulaii - anti-psychotic drg is indicated in >> SCHIZOPHRENIA anxiety diaorder depression
a child with odema an wt 70% >> KWASIYOKAR marasmus kwashiwokarmarasver - a child with ht 90% wt 80% with wide wrist jt, bowin legs >> shunted retarded RICKETS
Koplik spot is seen in >> Typhoid MEASLEs Mumps. - a child with swellinnn on rt side of chick with tresmus, a student in his class is also sufferin from the same diseae >> MUMPS, parotid tumour
- 60yr male with horseness of voice n palpable ly node on supraclavicular ly node >> Ca. LARYNX , recurrent nrv palsy, vocal cord nodule
- most common cause of infection in PP fever >> clamydia
- most commonly affected in PP Sepsis>> ENDoMENTRIUM salphinx cervix girl thingy
- 21 ??yrs male with vomiting , visible peristalisis lt to rt , suc.splash + ,>> small bowel obs., GRASTIC OUTLET Obs., Large bowel obs.
- ?? yr person sputum -ve TB on ATT now becomes sputum +ve after 2mt of therapy >> cnage to cat 1 chang to cat 2 ….
- moutoux test is best read after >> 12 24 48 72 hrs (48)
- 2 mth old child can do >>> …….from motor developement
- 100ml of breast milk contains how much cal. >> 47 57 67 77 (67)
- t/t of toxic nodule >> SURGERY medical radio iodine..
- female on PP period with red hot tender rt breast >> i n d, aspirate to confirm brest absess, FLUCLOXACILLIN AN F/U AFTER 2 DAYS,
- infectivity of HBV is indicated my >> HBeAg, IgMHBV
- t/t of choice of t.solium > Py, Meb, Alb, (praz)
- opth. neonatarumi s caused by >> ghonorria, stap, strep
- pt with couldnot see far n near obj with pain eye>> glaucoma, presy. ,
- ??t/t of iritis >>atropin …….
- with neoplasm usually venot mets at time of dia. > SSC, RCC, Malig. melanoma, BASAL CELL Ca.
- gomet insertion in >> GLUE EAR, CSOM, ASOM…
- ext. pyramadal rxn >> haloperidol
- not ADR of Ketamin>> halucination, dissociative ana., inc. IOP, bradycard.
- IODINE day >> ????
- which doesn’t cause empyma in child >> stap, strep, myco, N.
- a clinical que from Rheumatic hrt disease ??
- a clinical que from MS??
comprehension ques. each carry 1 marks - 9mth child ..
common cause of meningitis >> H inf
csf finding >> >100 wbc with neutro indominent
t/t >> Cefuro..
common compli>??
one i can’t remember - Turner synd.
genetic abn > 46 X 45X 46 XXY 45XXY
common associaeed contd > VSD ASD Co. Of Aorta PDA
common associated kidney disorder > horse shoe kidney
t/t >growth hormone
not found > ht tall, ht short,web neck …… - MI
in chest >2mm ST elevation >> ant MI ,Ant septal MI. , massive ant MI
drg for ?? reperfusion >> streptokinase?? , aspirin, GTN.
coz of death in 1st 24 hr >> venti arry, CCF….
which drg comb. prevent decrease pain n prevent remodelin >> O2 morphine b block, aspisin ACE inhibit.
pansystolic murmur coz?>> VSD, MR ,MS - burn
to calculate % of burn <rule of nine>
fluid requirement (parkland formula)