Call for Mayor’s Research Fellowship Program 2020 (Expression of Interest)


Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) seeks to engage bright, motivated, and civic-minded Nepali scholars/ researchers who have an advanced level of relevant knowledge, experience and expertise to support KMC’s evidence-based policymaking initiatives or to help KMC identify needs-based feasible projects for the physical and social development of the city.

The City Planning Commission of KMC invites qualified Nepali scholars/researchers to submit research proposals for the Mayor’s Research Fellowship Program 2020. Upto 10 research fellows will be selected for the year 2020. The fellowship period will be 6 months beginning from the date of appointment.

Successful applicants will be contacted by telephone/email within 15 days of the deadline and invited for presentation/interview. Only successful candidates will be notified.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationality: Candidates must be nationals of Nepal.
  • Education and minimum experience: Candidates must at least possess a post graduate degree (Master’s). Candidates should have at least two years of work or research experience (after Master’s) in the related field. PhD candidates are also encouraged to apply.
  • Language of research: Candidates should be proficient in English or Nepali. Research outputs (e.g., presentations, reports, articles) must be prepared/delivered in either English or Nepali.
  • Age: There is no age limit.
  • Skills: Candidates should be able to adapt to a multicultural environment, have good communication skills and be knowledgeable in the use of basic computer programs.
  • Preference: Preference will be given to qualified female candidates and candidates from
    marginalized groups.

Priority Areas of Research

1. The research topic should be directly relevant to KMC, otherwise the proposal will not be accepted.
2. Preference will be given to research proposals with
(a) strong policy relevance such that the research results could be utilized in policy decision-making, formulation, and implementation, or
(b) strong action-oriented approach such that the research results could lead to the identification and formulation of needs-based projects whether related to physical or social development.
3. Proposal submission under the following topics is encouraged although other closely
related topics are also welcome:
• History, art, culture, tradition: Conservation of traditional cultures and practices in a rapidly modernizing society; cultural policies of a city.
• Language, literature: Effectiveness of the use of mother tongue in school education; current status of local-language literature.
• Urban planning, urban design, architecture, transportation, physical infrastructure: Changes in urban form and architecture; infrastructure demand and supply, land use changes and response; review of byelaws; efficient mobility.
• Demographical, sociological or anthropological studies: Changes in
demographic structure and implications; in-migration and associated changes; gentrification.
• Education, social inclusion: Performance of community schools vis-à-vis private schools; status of social development and gaps; status of gender and social inclusion
• Local economic development, urban finance, entrepreneurship, human resource development: Issues of urban (un)employment; contribution of KMC in national GDP; status and performance of small enterprises; economic resilience.
• Urban informality, poverty, informal settlements: Measuring urban poverty; growth in slums and squatter settlements; urban blight; informal economic activities; street people in need.
• Disaster preparedness/ management, climate change: Building resilience to natural hazards and climate change; lessons from post-earthquake reconstruction; climate change mitigation and adaptation; green and blue infrastructures; review of
building code.
. Health, quality of life: Measuring happiness and quality of life; mental and physical health of citizens; obesity; old age healthcare; access to medical services

• Environment, sustainable development: Sustainable urbanization; mitigation of pollutions; energy efficiency; traffic management/ mobility; solid waste management; recycling and upcycling; groundwater recharge.

• Law and governance: Improving service delivery; open governance; corruption; KMC’s role in the compliance of national policies and international agreements.
• Youth, social activism: Leveraging youth potential for city development; impacts of social activism; issues of youth.

• ICT, innovation: Smart city development; application of IoT and 5G technology; e- government/ e-governance; digital divide.

Submission of Application
  • The application should be submitted in person at the office of KMC City Planning Commission in Jeetjung Marg, Thapathali Height, Kathmandu within the office hour of the deadline.
  • The applicant should ensure that all document mentioned below are submitted :
    i. Résumé including list of publications and contact details (both email and telephone number).
    ii. Full research proposal in the standard format
    iii. Academic credentials till date including mark-sheets (SLC/SEE and above)
    iv. Proof of Nepali citizenship (scanned copy of citizenship card or passport).
  • No application will be entertained after the deadline. Applicants are strongly advised to apply well ahead of the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical problems.
  • False claims or document forgery will not be tolerated.

For further information, contact:
Kathmandu Metropolitan City
City Planning Commission
Jeetjung Marg, Thapathali Height, Kathmandu
Phone: 4218137/ 4102310


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