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HomeExam stuffsFCPS 2019 Past Questions Recall Collections with answers

FCPS 2019 Past Questions Recall Collections with answers

FCPS 2019 Past Questions Recall Collections with answers

FCPS 2019 Past Questions Recall Collections with answers

1.Internal spermatic fascia derived from==Fascia Transversalis

2.Fast pain fibers==A delta

3.Perforated gastric ulcer pain is transmitted by==Greater splanchnic nerve.

4.Zona glomerulosa produces==Aldosterone.

5.First line defense against microorganisms==skin.

6.Regulation of which of following is controlled by sympathetic instead of local metabolites=Skin.

7.80% saturated oxygen=Umbilical vein.


9.Drug causing Tachycardia in therapeutic doses==Pethidine.

10.In Biostatistics,universe is==Population.


12.Loss of motivation and depression==Frontal lobe.

13.Pregnant woman with elevated Lfts==GGT.

14.Man with elevated SGOT and alkaline phosphatase 1600==Extrahepatic cholestasis.

15.Female with obesity,hyperglycemia and highACTH levels,cause is==Primary overproduction of ACTH.

16.30% hematocrit in person is due to==cells that sickles at low oxygen tension.

17.Drug receptors are==Proteins in nature.

18.cells against tumor cells==NK Cells.

19.Landmark fo pudendal nerve block is==ischial spine.

20.Pt previously had mi,,now again had mi,  investigation needed==CK-MB.

21.Another scenario of mi,,asked about definitive inv for mi==serumTroponin I

22.Anterior surface of heart formed by==Right ventricle.

23.On Radiograph,right border of heart formed by==SVC.

24.PDA is derived from==left sixth arch.

25.Child died on autopsy aneurysm found==kawasaki ds.

26.ThromboxaneA2 stimulate==Platelet aggregation.

  1. Pt on twice weekly dialysis,,which factor determine for need for dialysis or transplant==Creatinine Clearance.

28.Insulin increases glucose entry into skeletal muscles.

29.In DKApt,,insulin given it will cause==inc pH.

30.Person awake with eyes closed,waves seen on EEG=Alpha waves.

31.H1 blockers common side effect==sedation.

32.which one is Histasmine blocker==cimetidine.

33.Sucralfate doesnt let cemitidine get absorbed.

34.Esophagogastric junction competence is maintained by==Metoclopramide.

35.Beta HCG preserves==corpus leteum.

36.Characteristic feature of Hemophilia==Tissue Bleeding.

37.Regarding potassium==k more intracellularly.

38.Repolarization==k efflux. VMA==Pheochromocytoma.

40.Inc 5-HIAA==Carcinoid syndrome.

41.Primary oocyte completes meiosis1==just before ovulation.

42.Pt with sinking of heart and on ECG low T waves==Hypokalemia.

43.Pt with sinking of heart and on ECG peaked T waves==Hyperkalemia.

44.Specific granules are seen in==Promyelocytes.

45.Late sequelae of Measles==SSPE


47.Brochodilator act through cAMP==Salbutamol.

48.used in asthma,stemnot remember properly=Mast cell stabilizer.

49.Postop pt with greenish pus discharge=Pseudomonas.

50.Taenia soliumdrug==Niclosamide(Praziquantel wasnot in options.)

51.Branch of internal iliac artery within pelvis==Middle Rectal Artery.

52.Cerebellumconnected with midbrain by==Superior cerebellar Peduncle.

53.Pt with pain in wrist joint and hand and have morning stiffness==Rheumatoid Arthritis.

54.Dec conversion of 25-OH into 1,25-OH seen in==CRF.

55.Lyme disease caused by==Spirochete.

56.Low dose Heparin==inhibits factor 10a.

57.Postmenopausal lady on HRT,,S/E==Thromoembolism.

58.Thyphoid fever first week ix==Blood Culture.

59.GHsec inc by==Exercise.

60.GHsec dec by==Glucagon.

61.SAnode generate impulses at faster rate.

62.SAnode generates impulses at faster rate.

63.Confirmatory test for HIV==Western Blot.

64.Pt with platelets 1200*109==Myeloprolif ds???

65.Female with dysphagia to liquids only..bariumand

endoscopic studies normal,cause is==Neuromuscula incoordination.

66.Presence of food bolus in esophagus==Primary Peristalsis.

67.Definition of bronchopulmsegment.

68.S3 heart sound heard during==rapid filling of ventricles.

69.Diff betweenAnaphylactic and Hypovolemic shock is==inc Cardiac output.

70.Femoral Artery Palpated at==Midinguinal point.

71.Malignancy character==Pleomorphism.

72.Malignancy character==Metastasis.

73.Brain ischemia==Liquefactive Necrosis.

74.Brain ischemia==Liquefactive Necrosis.

75.Panchewing==Submucosal fibrosis.

76.Amoxicillin inhibits beta lactamase.

77.Bitemp Hemianopia==Optic chiasma.

78.HLAB5==Behcet disease.

79.Extension into pyramids==Renal columnbs.

80.Myasthenia gravis scenario.

81.Hypochromic Microcytic pic scenario.

82.Pt from Balochistan,history of sleeping on floor==Kala AZAR.

83.Submandibular gland surgery damages==Marginal Mandibular br of facial nerve.

84.Middle Meningeal Artery is direct br of==Maxillary Artery.

85.Drug contraindicated inHOCM==Digoxin.

86.Common PEnicillin allergy effect==skinRashes/bronchospasm??

87.Pt with runny nose,watery eyes,mediator responsible is==Histamine.

88.Nuclear Membrane is continued withRER.

89.Diabetic pt==Angiopathy with Neuropathy.

90.Woman 15kg overweight is on insulin,,what u advice her further==Biguanides(i marked)/excercise/Bigunaides with sulfonylureas.

91.Articular cartilage coveras ends of synovial joints.

92.Structure damaged in

Appendectomy==Iliohypogastric Nerve.

93.Pt with right hemiplegia,double vision on seeing

left,lesion of==Midbrain.

94.Hemiplegia with no sensory loss==Internal capsule.

95.Diabetes insipidus==dec urine osm.

96.Person with abdombloating and foul smelling stools,ix to do==Stool DR.

97.During LactationAmenorrhea is due to ==inhib of GnRH.

98.Damage to Lateral Hypothalamus==inhibits feeding.

99.Unmarried girl with abdominopelvic mass,ix==CA125.

100.CEAis done for==Colon ca.

101.Dangerous layer of scalp==Loose areolar tissue.

102.External fascia formed by==loose areolar tissue with adipose tissue.

103.2 year old child with low hb and high MCV==intrinsic factor antibodies.

104.fisherman on river side developed gumbleeding and ecchymoses due to def of==Vitamin C.


106.Hospitalized pt developed lung abcess due to==s.aureus.

107.Pap smear==Dysplasia.

108.Pt unable to open mouth==Lateral Pterygoid.

109.Instability of knee joint==Vastus Lateralis.

110.Edema in Liver Cirrhosis caused by==Hypoalbuminemia.

111.Child withHTNand Edema cause is==Albuminuria and salt retension.

112.itching in scabies is caused by==Hypersensitivity reaction.

113.After dehydration most concentrated urine found at==DCT/Collecting tubules.???

114.Bronchosope inserted into Right lung lobe,segment seen first is==Right inferior/Right middle.

115.Pt with Tibial fracture,later developed crepitus and foul smelling discharge==Toxemic Shock.

116.Pt with pulmedema,LVEDV inc,PCWP inc,BP

140/48,early diastolic murmur with wide pulse pressure==Aortic Regurgitation.

117+118==regarding adrenal medulla nerve supply from==Preganglionic symp greater splanchnic.

119.Pt went abroad,came back,developed fever,gen lymphadenopathy and macular rash,dx==AcuteHIV seroconversion.

120.Most common genetic ds==Multifactorial.

121.Syphillis==sample fromgenital sores.

122.One carbon transfer==Biotin.

123.In Late Fetus==Liver is 5% of body weight.

124.Thenar muscles spared,but there is wasting of all small muscles of hand==C8-T1 segment of cord.

125.Lesion of Pyramidal Tract==Motor function.

126.Definitive diagnosis of TB==AFB

127.Another PIC of TB,IX==ZNStaining.

128.Tongue Protrusion==Hypoglossal Nucleus.

129.Scenario of Hypovolemic shock.

130.Intra and Extra Pelvis Ligament==Round Ligament.

131.Bioavailability Of which inactivates liver metabolism==SL/IM.

132.Periodontal ligament of which type of collagen…==collagen type1.(net sources says 1,3,5).

133.Physiological shunt==v/q is zero.

134.Endobronchial intubation in child due to==small neck/large head/same level of bronchi.

135.Bernard solieur==Platelets not bind ristocetin.

136.Antifungal used in Nasal and Fungal infections is==Itraconazole.

137.Shipbuilder scenario==Malignant Mesothelioma.

138.Neonate withRDS due to==Collapse of small alveoli.

139.Which protein is deficient in CLD==Albumin.

140.Four main pillars of Medical

Ethics==Autonomy,Beneficience,NonMalefacience and Justice.

141.A Healthy individual is one==who eats,sleeps well and lead a disciplined life.

142.Erythropoietin sec inc at==HighAltitude.

143.Mucinous glands with some serous demilunes==Submandibular gland.

144.Effect of Hemorrhage on kidney==dec blood supply frommedulla to cortex per gramtissue.

145.Person with facial palsy with eyes spared,lesion at==Facial canal/supranuclear/stylomastoid foramen.???

146.Sex linked recessive ds==Ducchene Dystrophy.

147.Pt withAmbiguous genitalia and 46xx==CAH.

148.Perantage of water in cells==60-70%.

149.Pt withRTA,BP 80/40/dec GFR is due to==dec arterial BP.

150.Dead space is== conditioning of inspired air.

151.scenario of Lofgren syndrome.

152.Which of following inc Heart rate==Bain Bridge reflex/Barrorecep on decreasing bp.

153.Scenario of pt with 5cmopacity in left lower lung lobe,,cause is==Asbestos.

154.Floor of Lateral ventricle is formed by==anterior surface of corpus callosum/Genu of corpus callosum.???

155.Pt with Prolonged APTT,BT 6 min,,cause is==Intrinsicdefect.

156.Child with absent breath sounds on one side chest and hve portion of intestine in  thorax==Pleuroperitoneal

defect/Hiatal hernia.

157.50 year old pt with difficulty in accomodating for near vision.cause is==ciliary muscle contraction/reduced lens curvature?

158.Veins act as reservoirs becoz==they have high amount of blood in them.

159.S1 differs fromS2==High Frequency

160.Tears composition differ from plasma==tears have more amino acids.???

161.Intraembryonic part of Allantois==Urachal Cyst.

162.Type of study with risk factors==Case control study.

163.During Sympathectomy preserve==L1

164.BZDs MOA==potentiation of GABA.

165.Person is positive for HCV,Next ix to be done==PCR RNA.

166.GRAM NEGATIVE RODS,lactose fermenting,indol positive,cause UTI==E.COLI

167.Pt with Resting Tremors due to destruction of neurons of==Substasntia NIGRA.

168.Postsynap recep def==Myasthenia gravis.

169.Antidepressant safe in liver


170.Pink fluid in alveoli,no erythrocytes,leukocytes

there.cause is==obs by tumor/CHF/Viral infection.

171.Ca and P are regulated by==PTH.

172.Digoxin toxicity is inc with K losing diuretic.

173.Drug used for SVT==Verapamil.

174.In Primary Dehydration,ECF becomes==Isotonic.

175.Lung compliance dec with=bronchial obstruction.

176.144.Interventricular septumbloid supply==LCA/Lcx?

177.Pt with violaceous nodules on shins and lacy buccal

lesions,assosiated with==HCV/HPV/EBV?

178.Dorsal column med leminiscus lesion==loss of itch and tickle/loss of pain/loss of temp?

179.about klinefelter==one extra x chromosome.

180.deep of radial nerve injury.

181.HepB transmitted by==sexual contact.

182.ATT completed since two months,pt ESR moderatelyelevated,cause of moderately elevesr==Hypoproteinemia/MDR TB/Secondary bacterialinf/opp fungal infections?

183.Neuroscretory hormones fromhypothalamus arekept in==Pituicytes.

184..Person at sea level,scenario of ABGs given==Pthyperventilating/partially comp metabolic acidosis.

185.True about tb antibody==cell bound?/haveprotective role/attached with bacteria/transferrable to

other persons.?


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