FCPS 2019 Past Questions Recall Collections with answers
1.Internal spermatic fascia derived from==Fascia Transversalis
2.Fast pain fibers==A delta
3.Perforated gastric ulcer pain is transmitted by==Greater splanchnic nerve.
4.Zona glomerulosa produces==Aldosterone.
5.First line defense against microorganisms==skin.
6.Regulation of which of following is controlled by sympathetic instead of local metabolites=Skin.
7.80% saturated oxygen=Umbilical vein.
9.Drug causing Tachycardia in therapeutic doses==Pethidine.
10.In Biostatistics,universe is==Population.
12.Loss of motivation and depression==Frontal lobe.
13.Pregnant woman with elevated Lfts==GGT.
14.Man with elevated SGOT and alkaline phosphatase 1600==Extrahepatic cholestasis.
15.Female with obesity,hyperglycemia and highACTH levels,cause is==Primary overproduction of ACTH.
16.30% hematocrit in person is due to==cells that sickles at low oxygen tension.
17.Drug receptors are==Proteins in nature.
18.cells against tumor cells==NK Cells.
19.Landmark fo pudendal nerve block is==ischial spine.
20.Pt previously had mi,,now again had mi, investigation needed==CK-MB.
21.Another scenario of mi,,asked about definitive inv for mi==serumTroponin I
22.Anterior surface of heart formed by==Right ventricle.
23.On Radiograph,right border of heart formed by==SVC.
24.PDA is derived from==left sixth arch.
25.Child died on autopsy aneurysm found==kawasaki ds.
26.ThromboxaneA2 stimulate==Platelet aggregation.
- Pt on twice weekly dialysis,,which factor determine for need for dialysis or transplant==Creatinine Clearance.
28.Insulin increases glucose entry into skeletal muscles.
29.In DKApt,,insulin given it will cause==inc pH.
30.Person awake with eyes closed,waves seen on EEG=Alpha waves.
31.H1 blockers common side effect==sedation.
32.which one is Histasmine blocker==cimetidine.
33.Sucralfate doesnt let cemitidine get absorbed.
34.Esophagogastric junction competence is maintained by==Metoclopramide.
35.Beta HCG preserves==corpus leteum.
36.Characteristic feature of Hemophilia==Tissue Bleeding.
37.Regarding potassium==k more intracellularly.
38.Repolarization==k efflux.
39.inc VMA==Pheochromocytoma.
40.Inc 5-HIAA==Carcinoid syndrome.
41.Primary oocyte completes meiosis1==just before ovulation.
42.Pt with sinking of heart and on ECG low T waves==Hypokalemia.
43.Pt with sinking of heart and on ECG peaked T waves==Hyperkalemia.
44.Specific granules are seen in==Promyelocytes.
45.Late sequelae of Measles==SSPE
47.Brochodilator act through cAMP==Salbutamol.
48.used in asthma,stemnot remember properly=Mast cell stabilizer.
49.Postop pt with greenish pus discharge=Pseudomonas.
50.Taenia soliumdrug==Niclosamide(Praziquantel wasnot in options.)
51.Branch of internal iliac artery within pelvis==Middle Rectal Artery.
52.Cerebellumconnected with midbrain by==Superior cerebellar Peduncle.
53.Pt with pain in wrist joint and hand and have morning stiffness==Rheumatoid Arthritis.
54.Dec conversion of 25-OH into 1,25-OH seen in==CRF.
55.Lyme disease caused by==Spirochete.
56.Low dose Heparin==inhibits factor 10a.
57.Postmenopausal lady on HRT,,S/E==Thromoembolism.
58.Thyphoid fever first week ix==Blood Culture.
59.GHsec inc by==Exercise.
60.GHsec dec by==Glucagon.
61.SAnode generate impulses at faster rate.
62.SAnode generates impulses at faster rate.
63.Confirmatory test for HIV==Western Blot.
64.Pt with platelets 1200*109==Myeloprolif ds???
65.Female with dysphagia to liquids only..bariumand
endoscopic studies normal,cause is==Neuromuscula incoordination.
66.Presence of food bolus in esophagus==Primary Peristalsis.
67.Definition of bronchopulmsegment.
68.S3 heart sound heard during==rapid filling of ventricles.
69.Diff betweenAnaphylactic and Hypovolemic shock is==inc Cardiac output.
70.Femoral Artery Palpated at==Midinguinal point.
71.Malignancy character==Pleomorphism.
72.Malignancy character==Metastasis.
73.Brain ischemia==Liquefactive Necrosis.
74.Brain ischemia==Liquefactive Necrosis.
75.Panchewing==Submucosal fibrosis.
76.Amoxicillin inhibits beta lactamase.
77.Bitemp Hemianopia==Optic chiasma.
78.HLAB5==Behcet disease.
79.Extension into pyramids==Renal columnbs.
80.Myasthenia gravis scenario.
81.Hypochromic Microcytic pic scenario.
82.Pt from Balochistan,history of sleeping on floor==Kala AZAR.
83.Submandibular gland surgery damages==Marginal Mandibular br of facial nerve.
84.Middle Meningeal Artery is direct br of==Maxillary Artery.
85.Drug contraindicated inHOCM==Digoxin.
86.Common PEnicillin allergy effect==skinRashes/bronchospasm??
87.Pt with runny nose,watery eyes,mediator responsible is==Histamine.
88.Nuclear Membrane is continued withRER.
89.Diabetic pt==Angiopathy with Neuropathy.
90.Woman 15kg overweight is on insulin,,what u advice her further==Biguanides(i marked)/excercise/Bigunaides with sulfonylureas.
91.Articular cartilage coveras ends of synovial joints.
92.Structure damaged in
Appendectomy==Iliohypogastric Nerve.
93.Pt with right hemiplegia,double vision on seeing
left,lesion of==Midbrain.
94.Hemiplegia with no sensory loss==Internal capsule.
95.Diabetes insipidus==dec urine osm.
96.Person with abdombloating and foul smelling stools,ix to do==Stool DR.
97.During LactationAmenorrhea is due to ==inhib of GnRH.
98.Damage to Lateral Hypothalamus==inhibits feeding.
99.Unmarried girl with abdominopelvic mass,ix==CA125.
100.CEAis done for==Colon ca.
101.Dangerous layer of scalp==Loose areolar tissue.
102.External fascia formed by==loose areolar tissue with adipose tissue.
103.2 year old child with low hb and high MCV==intrinsic factor antibodies.
104.fisherman on river side developed gumbleeding and ecchymoses due to def of==Vitamin C.
106.Hospitalized pt developed lung abcess due to==s.aureus.
107.Pap smear==Dysplasia.
108.Pt unable to open mouth==Lateral Pterygoid.
109.Instability of knee joint==Vastus Lateralis.
110.Edema in Liver Cirrhosis caused by==Hypoalbuminemia.
111.Child withHTNand Edema cause is==Albuminuria and salt retension.
112.itching in scabies is caused by==Hypersensitivity reaction.
113.After dehydration most concentrated urine found at==DCT/Collecting tubules.???
114.Bronchosope inserted into Right lung lobe,segment seen first is==Right inferior/Right middle.
115.Pt with Tibial fracture,later developed crepitus and foul smelling discharge==Toxemic Shock.
116.Pt with pulmedema,LVEDV inc,PCWP inc,BP
140/48,early diastolic murmur with wide pulse pressure==Aortic Regurgitation.
117+118==regarding adrenal medulla nerve supply from==Preganglionic symp greater splanchnic.
119.Pt went abroad,came back,developed fever,gen lymphadenopathy and macular rash,dx==AcuteHIV seroconversion.
120.Most common genetic ds==Multifactorial.
121.Syphillis==sample fromgenital sores.
122.One carbon transfer==Biotin.
123.In Late Fetus==Liver is 5% of body weight.
124.Thenar muscles spared,but there is wasting of all small muscles of hand==C8-T1 segment of cord.
125.Lesion of Pyramidal Tract==Motor function.
126.Definitive diagnosis of TB==AFB
127.Another PIC of TB,IX==ZNStaining.
128.Tongue Protrusion==Hypoglossal Nucleus.
129.Scenario of Hypovolemic shock.
130.Intra and Extra Pelvis Ligament==Round Ligament.
131.Bioavailability Of which inactivates liver metabolism==SL/IM.
132.Periodontal ligament of which type of collagen…==collagen type1.(net sources says 1,3,5).
133.Physiological shunt==v/q is zero.
134.Endobronchial intubation in child due to==small neck/large head/same level of bronchi.
135.Bernard solieur==Platelets not bind ristocetin.
136.Antifungal used in Nasal and Fungal infections is==Itraconazole.
137.Shipbuilder scenario==Malignant Mesothelioma.
138.Neonate withRDS due to==Collapse of small alveoli.
139.Which protein is deficient in CLD==Albumin.
140.Four main pillars of Medical
Ethics==Autonomy,Beneficience,NonMalefacience and Justice.
141.A Healthy individual is one==who eats,sleeps well and lead a disciplined life.
142.Erythropoietin sec inc at==HighAltitude.
143.Mucinous glands with some serous demilunes==Submandibular gland.
144.Effect of Hemorrhage on kidney==dec blood supply frommedulla to cortex per gramtissue.
145.Person with facial palsy with eyes spared,lesion at==Facial canal/supranuclear/stylomastoid foramen.???
146.Sex linked recessive ds==Ducchene Dystrophy.
147.Pt withAmbiguous genitalia and 46xx==CAH.
148.Perantage of water in cells==60-70%.
149.Pt withRTA,BP 80/40/dec GFR is due to==dec arterial BP.
150.Dead space is== conditioning of inspired air.
151.scenario of Lofgren syndrome.
152.Which of following inc Heart rate==Bain Bridge reflex/Barrorecep on decreasing bp.
153.Scenario of pt with 5cmopacity in left lower lung lobe,,cause is==Asbestos.
154.Floor of Lateral ventricle is formed by==anterior surface of corpus callosum/Genu of corpus callosum.???
155.Pt with Prolonged APTT,BT 6 min,,cause is==Intrinsicdefect.
156.Child with absent breath sounds on one side chest and hve portion of intestine in thorax==Pleuroperitoneal
defect/Hiatal hernia.
157.50 year old pt with difficulty in accomodating for near vision.cause is==ciliary muscle contraction/reduced lens curvature?
158.Veins act as reservoirs becoz==they have high amount of blood in them.
159.S1 differs fromS2==High Frequency
160.Tears composition differ from plasma==tears have more amino acids.???
161.Intraembryonic part of Allantois==Urachal Cyst.
162.Type of study with risk factors==Case control study.
163.During Sympathectomy preserve==L1
164.BZDs MOA==potentiation of GABA.
165.Person is positive for HCV,Next ix to be done==PCR RNA.
166.GRAM NEGATIVE RODS,lactose fermenting,indol positive,cause UTI==E.COLI
167.Pt with Resting Tremors due to destruction of neurons of==Substasntia NIGRA.
168.Postsynap recep def==Myasthenia gravis.
169.Antidepressant safe in liver
170.Pink fluid in alveoli,no erythrocytes,leukocytes
there.cause is==obs by tumor/CHF/Viral infection.
171.Ca and P are regulated by==PTH.
172.Digoxin toxicity is inc with K losing diuretic.
173.Drug used for SVT==Verapamil.
174.In Primary Dehydration,ECF becomes==Isotonic.
175.Lung compliance dec with=bronchial obstruction.
176.144.Interventricular septumbloid supply==LCA/Lcx?
177.Pt with violaceous nodules on shins and lacy buccal
lesions,assosiated with==HCV/HPV/EBV?
178.Dorsal column med leminiscus lesion==loss of itch and tickle/loss of pain/loss of temp?
179.about klinefelter==one extra x chromosome.
180.deep of radial nerve injury.
181.HepB transmitted by==sexual contact.
182.ATT completed since two months,pt ESR moderatelyelevated,cause of moderately elevesr==Hypoproteinemia/MDR TB/Secondary bacterialinf/opp fungal infections?
183.Neuroscretory hormones fromhypothalamus arekept in==Pituicytes.
184..Person at sea level,scenario of ABGs given==Pthyperventilating/partially comp metabolic acidosis.
185.True about tb antibody==cell bound?/haveprotective role/attached with bacteria/transferrable to
other persons.?