Surgery PDF Slides |download part 2By mediconepal / May 23, 2014 SUrgery lecture slide in pdf format. Click for download and to read online these PDF links are justcollected and shared from the website of :Department of Surgery SUNY Downstate Medical Center click on to download Lecture notes. Multifocal Thyroid CancerCaustic Injuries of the EsophagusGuidelines to Thromboembolic ProphylaxisNecrotizing EnterocolitisBiliary CystHematologic DisordersGastric Cancer in a Young FemaleManagement of Low Output OstomySurgical Conditions in PregnancyLaser LithotripsyIntestinal AnostomosisTesticular TorsionSuperior Mesenteric Vein Injury during Right HemicolectomySalivary Gland PathologySmall Bowel Perforation In an Incisional HerniaKlebsiella Pneumoniae Pyogenic Liver AbscessMedullary Thyroid Cancer and Related Men SyndromesMechanical VentilationLaparoscopic Vs. Open Ventral Hernia RepairEvolving Gallstone IleusCytoreductive Surgery (CRS) and Hyperthermic IntraperitonealPancreatic PseudocystObscure Upper GI BleedingIncidental Appendiceal TumorsBoerhaave SyndromePenetrating Rectal InjuriesTranslational Projects in Fetal ResearchPostgastrectomy SyndromesHypoplastic Lung and Preoperative Eval. for Lung ResectionBreast Disease