Update your status for corona Virus in contact tracing application. This is a Contact tracing app developed for tracing the suspect of covid 19 all over just by giving simple information . And this is a TRIAL RUN only.At the moment there will be NO response if you tag any other color but you can go ahead and try it. The main Plan is to hand it over to the government at the earliest. and they will be post the real time map every hour. status for corona Virus in contact tracing
Register Here for Contact Tracing
Two standout symptoms for COVID 19 are very important as Fever more than 100F & Cough lasting beyond 48 hours. Any unexplained new onset Shortness of Breath during or following symptoms of fever and cough raise the suspicion of active infection. This contact tracing app will help to trace the people with the different types of suspicion of COVID 19. Go to the link or website. There you have to update yourself by choosing 4 options as mention below
Choose ONE of the following for status for corona Virus in contact tracing
1 Green Button : Symptom free with no history of travel or contact with suspected covid patient in past two weeks
2. Blue Button: Symptom free with history of international travel or contact within past two weeks
3. Yellow BUtton: Fever more than 100F and cough lasting beyond 48hrs
4. Red Button : Unexplained Shortness of Breath with fever and cough
Update your status with
This is a TRIAL ONLY app for well being and contact tracing. PLEASE TAG YOURSELF GREEN IF YOU’RE SYMPTOM FREE.
At the moment there will be NO response if you tag any other color but you can go ahead and try it.
Plan is to hand it over to the government at the earliest.
This is the only status you should be updating now!!!!Download Hamro Swasthya App Lunched By Nepal Government for COVID 19
I’ll post the real time map every hour.Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment Free download