Inform to AEFI team about the symptoms you have– Share your experiences

Most of the adverse events following Covishield vaccine are mild and appears after 6 to 8 hours.
My few advice.
1. Inform to AEFI team about the symptoms you have ( it will help to identify, record and update the adverse events following immunization)
2. Take paracetamol immediately once you start developing fever, myalgia, headache.
3. High grade fever with chills and rigor do occur in few people, so be aware and take paracetamol. ( if you take PCM timely, you can prevent rushing to hospital emergency).
4. Majority of the symptoms are mild and non-life threatening and tend to almost disappear by 24 hrs.
5. These delayed effects after vaccination are due to our body trying to fight and develop immune response to vaccine.( which is a good thing).
6. Some people might have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which also tend to wear off with simple over the counter medication.
7. Keep in contact with Vaccine AEFI team.

8. Many people have mild and negligible symptoms. So no need to worry.
9. Just because you have high grade fever does not necessarily mean everyone will have the same symptoms.
10. Some minor effects due to vaccine is much better than severe sufferings from COVID.
11. Don’t spread false rumor.
12. As a healthcare professionals don’t spread false rumor. Trust science and critically appraise the facts and evidence.

#staysafe #getvaccinated #GetProtected #publicawareness

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