Coronavirus Cases: till date 2020 april 02
7,775,089,137Current World Population
35,684,155Births this year
374,791Births today
14,981,063Deaths this year
157,346Deaths today
20,703,092Net population growth this year
217,445Net population growth today
$ 14,636,877,749Public Healthcare expenditure today
$ 10,024,926,297Public Education expenditure today
$ 4,577,580,136Public Military expenditure today
19,954,534Cars produced this year
38,302,045Bicycles produced this year
63,993,082Computers produced this year
680,857New book titles published this year
465,835,479Newspapers circulated today
651,617TV sets sold worldwide today
6,298,953Cellular phones sold today
$ 282,811,954Money spent on videogames today
4,520,024,662Internet users in the world today
254,149,755,888Emails sent today
6,598,521Blog posts written today
751,956,678Tweets sent today
6,898,858,123Google searches today
1,324,670Forest loss this year (hectares)
1,783,364Land lost to soil erosion this year (ha)
9,203,488,492CO2 emissions this year (tons)
3,056,622Desertification this year (hectares)
2,494,300Toxic chemicals released
in the environment this year
in the environment this year
841,991,671Undernourished people in the world
1,691,258,345Overweight people in the world
753,614,969Obese people in the world
29,918People who died of hunger today
$ 561,325,423Money spent for obesity related
diseases in the USA today
diseases in the USA today
$ 184,944,531Money spent on weight loss
programs in the USA today
programs in the USA today
1,107,089,711Water used this year (million L)
214,486Deaths caused by water related
diseases this year
diseases this year
802,246,652People with no access to
a safe drinking water source
a safe drinking water source
456,623,997Energy used today (MWh), of which:
388,704,131– from non-renewable sources (MWh)
68,763,592– from renewable sources (MWh)
2,861,228,661,782Solar energy striking Earth today
93,653,481Oil pumped today (barrels)
1,512,894,508,386Oil left (barrels)
15,777Days to the end of oil (~43 years)
1,096,738,952,221Natural Gas left (boe)
57,723Days to the end of natural gas
4,317,855,854,301Coal left (boe)
148,892Days to the end of coal
3,306,454Communicable disease deaths this year
123,836Seasonal flu deaths this year
1,935,995Deaths of children under 5 this year
10,826,063Abortions this year
78,725Deaths of mothers during birth this year
41,682,785HIV/AIDS infected people
428,168Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
2,091,838Deaths caused by cancer this year
249,832Deaths caused by malaria this year
14,808,555,843Cigarettes smoked today
1,273,258Deaths caused by smoking this year
637,031Deaths caused by alcohol this year
273,128Suicides this year
$ 101,892,760,053Money spent on illegal drugs this year
343,820Road traffic accident fatalities this year