IOM, Institute of Medicine, teaching hospital uptake the entrance exam for the post graduate students every year. Here are the collection of the question answers of IOM 2018. Please correct if anything found wrong by yourself
- Microglia-mesenchyme
- Talus-deltoid
- Confidentiality
- Conservative Breast surgery-sentinel node biops
- SDG MMR target-70
- Anemia in pregnancy-41
- Pregnancy gingivitis-5 mnth
- Child pugh classification-11
- Enterococcus-cephalosporin
- Somagyei -hypo fb hyper
- Ischemia marker in heart
- Fibular graft
- AV nodal delay time-0.09
- Laborious breathing
- Latrine feet
- Opinion/belief
- Adipocere formation-buried in dump soil
- Biliary atresis-immediately
- Precision-increase sample size
- Loop- hypokalemia
- Digoxin toxicity-bidirectional tachy
- Delusional perception schneider 1st rank symptom
- Acute stress disorder/PTCS- duration of symptom
- Pauciimmune
- Tuberculous ulcer-undermine margin
- Lipofuscin-wear and tear pigment
- Microbicidal activity reduced in CGD
- Stylopharyngeous 3rd arch
- Posterior intercostal forms collateral in CoA
- Vit C deficiency- subperiosteal hemorrage
- B carotene in spinach
- Acidosis- Hydrogen ion secretion associated with hco3 reabsortion
- Dehydrated pt-increased in permeability of collecting duct
- Pasteurella multicoda-dog bite
- Falling leaf-giardia motility
- Weber syndrome-occulomotor palsy
- Right upper arm weakness aphasia,gaze palsy- MCA artery involvement
- Cough for 4 mnth, hilar and paratracheal lymphadenopathy with normal looking lung parenchyma in Xray-Sarcoidosis
- Headache in night lasting <1 hr associated with lacrymation and rhinorrhoea-Cluster headache
- delivery of head with chin to pubis in breech presentation-?
- Aqueous humour is produced by ciliary body
- Septic shock ionotrop-noradrenaline
- Drug not used in TOF-isoprenaline
- Bladder carcinoma with stone-SCC
- Parkland formula-720ml crystalloid
- Undescended testis surgery-2 year
- Copies triangle- 5 year
- Peutz jegher tumor-check for lips and anal mucosa
- Rapid sequence intubation-suxamethonium
- Chemical mediator of inflamation-produced by endothelium
- Longest lifespan-memory TCell
- MOA of interferon Alfa-develops antiviral property in cell and inhibit viral replication
- Indicationof thoracotomy-1500 ml blood in initial chest drain
- Hyperammonemia in OTC deficienncy
- Lead pipe in ulcerative colitis
- Deep perineal pouch-sphincter urethrae
- Strychnine-spasticity
- Lowest failure contraceptive-IUCD
- PCOS-menstrual irregularities
- Acute inflammation-hepcidin
- Meralgia paresthetica-lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
- Zika virus-GBS
- Commotio cordis-blunt chest trauma
- Best prognosis-acute epidural hematoma in head injury
- Ectopic HcG< 1000IU/l – expectant managemnet
- Action potential overshoot-increase extracellular sodium
- Local anesthesia MOA-block sodium chanel
- Side effect of pyrazinamide-hyperuricemia
- O.5%- prevalence of bitot spot suggestive of Vit a deficiency in community
- Fastest way to reduce the extracellular pottasium-insulin plus glucose
- Purkinje fibre present in-cerebellum
- Nonshockable rhythm-PEA
- Coffee-increase action of epinphrine
- Hormone sensitive lipase not activated by insulin
- Dopamine cause increase bp at high dose
- Stercocilia-in vas deferns
- Treatment of molar pregnancy-suction evacuation
- Demonstration-best technique to teach ORS preparation in slum area
- Type 1 error-true thesis rejected
- Propylthiouracil-safe in pregnancy
- Botulism case
- Class 2 hemorrhage-15-30%
- Exercise blood flow constant in _brain
- Vector of scrub typhus-mite
- Before Splenectomy vaccine-meningococcal
- Virus by transmitted by tick-relapsing fever
- Varicella vaccine contraindicated in pregnancy
- Lithium-monitoring should be done
- Csf rhinorrhoea- cribiform plate
- Wilson disease- increase 24 hr urinary copper
- Hay fever with dermatitis – atopic dermatitis
- Paracrine action
- Screening-sensitivity
- PCP pneumonia case
- Thoracic inlet- sympathetic chain present
- Psoriasis-adalimunab