Stem cell therapy has seen huge advances over the past decade. Dr. Charles Mok provides a breakdown of what stem cells are and how they are being used.

What are stem cells? – An short educational film by the Irish Stem Cell Foundation

Stem cells are master cells of the body — want to learn more? Visit

ISCF is an independent not-for-profit organisation whose primary objective is to educate about stem cells, their basic biology and the research and therapies using them.

The Foundation will initially focus on education outreach programs, hoping to address the growing problem of bogus stem cell scams being offered to Irish patients over the internet. The Foundation will also assist the development of Irish policy and legislature in this area of medicine and science, ensuring Ireland is informed.

The Foundation consists of a broad range of people including Irish doctors, scientists, patient advocates, educators, bioethicists and other associated parties seeking to expand and develop the Irish public’s understanding of stem cells.Stem cell treatment and research towards curing illness–from multiple sclerosis to spinal injury–is detailed by Dr. Neil Riordan. The American medical industry, obstructions to research in the states, misconceptions about stem cells, and the details about the treatment process are explained–and we look at video of patient recovery and speculate at what the future could spell for stem cell treatment and research in this Lip News interview, hosted by Elliot Hill.

Dr. Neil Riordan is the founder and Chairman of Medistem Panama, a leading stem cell laboratory and research facility – located in Panama City. His institute is at the forefront of research of the effects of adult stem cells on the course of several chronic diseases. Dr. Riordan has more than 60 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. In the stem cell arena, he and his colleagues have published more than 20 articles on Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, Heart Failure, Rheumatoid Arthritis.EPISODE BREAKDOWN:
00:01 Welcome to The Lip News Interviews.
00:05 Introducing Dr. Neil Riordan, Founder and chairman of Medistem Panama.
00:55 The unique properties of stem cells.
05:15 Unique applications of stem cells.
06:40 Video of stem cell patient with Multiple Sclerosis.
09:30 What is the treatment process like?
10:50 Disputing skepticism surrounding stem cell treatment.
12:25 Are some patients slow to respond or non responsive to stem cell treatment?
14:15 Roadblocks encountered in the United States.
16:30 Desire for profit slowing the advancement of healthcare.
18:05 Video of stem cell patient recovering from spinal injury.
20:45 The future of stem cell research and treatment for Medistem Panama.
21:45 Thank you and goodbye

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