Before Writing a cover letter is an essential part of the journal submission, we need to know How to Write Best Cover letter for Journal Submission. A strong cover letter can impact an editor’s decision to consider your research paper further and ultimately determine whether to publish it in their journal. This video focuses on the specific content that should be included in a submissions cover letter and gives an in-depth analysis of a sample cover letter to show researchers how to carry out this important task.
To Write Best Cover letter for Journal Submission Steps
To submit the journal cover letter should be written and while writing following steps are to be considered for good cover letter
Step 1 Direct the cover letter to the editor. Name of journal also included, so call the journal to confirm the person’s name and title so that you can address the person accordingly in your letter.
Step 2 At top of letter ,Center your name and contact information May or may not residential address, but be sure to include either your e-mail address, phone number or both so that the editor may contact you.
Step 3 Open your letter with a provocative statement or question that represents the essential point or finding of your journal article. This is where the sales pitch element comes in, but don’t overdo it. Strive for a balance between enthusiasm and professionalism; the two are not mutually exclusive. A good example might be: “The professor have suspected that students who sit in the last row in class are weak in study, and now further proof can be found in my study .”
Step 4 Reveal other key elements of the journal article in the second paragraph. In this example, you would want to include the number of students who were included in your research, the name of the school, and crucially, what your findings portend for academia. Include pertinent information about your article in this paragraph, including its title, but try to leave the editor wanting to learn more, too.
Step 5 Focus into why your article would be of interest to readers of the academic journal. This is where you should demonstrate that you’ve done your homework — not only to impress the editor of the journal, but to prove that your article is suitable for publication. In this example, you might refer to the predominant readers of the journal and how your findings might help them improve the quality of their instruction for students who do not sit in the front row of class.
Step 6 Cite your credentials with confidence. They might include your educational background, your teaching experience and any previous publication credits. Be specific; include the exact names of the courses you have taught and at which institutions. Likewise, include the titles of your previous works, the names of the journals in which they were published and the dates of publication.
Step 7 Reveal your enthusiasm for your article and your conviction in its worth. Here, too, the sales pitch element comes into play. You might say, for example, “I am confident that readers of this journal will gain greater insight into student motivations, perhaps alter their teaching methods and enhance the value of their instruction by reading my article.”
Step 8 Close your letter by offering to answer any questions the editor might have. thank the editor for his time and consideration in the meantime.
Step 9 Proofread your letter to ensure that it is flawless and devoid of spelling and editing errors.
Here is YouTube Video which will help us How to write Cover letter for journal submits write Cover letter for journal submission ?
This video includes:
An explanation of why the cover letter is important
A detailed list of what it should include (and exclude)
Close-up view of a sample journal submissions cover letter
Video Outline for write Cover letter for journal submission contains
1. Introduction into what a journal submissions cover letter does
2. Detailed checklist for information to be included in the letter
3. Sample cover letter with template language you can insert into your own letter