Professor Kalra’s unique and longstanding bestseller has been comprehensively updated and revised to reflect recent exam changes.

With each chapter authored by renowned experts in their respective specialties and with key information displayed in a concise and structured format, this book remains the definitive guide to the MRCP written examinations.

CONTENTS of Essential Revision Notes for MRCP | 4th Edition
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Clinical examination
1.2.1 Jugular venous pressure
1.2.2 Arterial pulse associations
1.2.3 Cardiac apex
1.2.4 Heart sounds
1.3 Cardiac investigations
1.3.1 Electrocardiography
1.3.2 Echocardiography
1.3.3 Nuclear cardiology: myocardial perfusion imaging
1.3.4 Cardiac catheterisation
1.3.5 Exercise stress testing
1.3.6 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
1.3.7 Computed tomography
1.3.8 Magnetic resonance imaging
1.4 Valvular disease and endocarditis
1.4.1 Murmurs
1.4.2 Mitral stenosis
1.4.3 Mitral regurgitation
1.4.4 Aortic regurgitation
1.4.5 Aortic stenosis
1.4.6 Tricuspid regurgitation
1.4.7 Prosthetic valves
1.4.8 Infective endocarditis
1.5 Congenital heart disease
1.5.1 Atrial septal defect
1.5.2 Ventricular septal defect
1.5.3 Patent ductus arteriosus
1.5.4 Coarctation of the aorta
1.5.5 Eisenmenger syndrome
1.5.6 Tetralogy of Fallot
1.5.7 Important post-surgical circulations
1.6 Arrhythmias and pacing
1.6.1 Bradyarrhythmias
1.6.2 Supraventricular tachycardias
1.6.3 Atrial arrhythmias
1.6.4 Ventricular arrhythmias and channelopathies
1.6.5 Pacing and ablation procedures
1.7 Ischaemic heart disease
1.7.1 Angina
1.7.2 Myocardial infarction
1.7.3 PPCI for STEMI
1.7.4 Coronary artery interventional procedures
1.8 Heart failure and myocardial diseases
1.8.1 Cardiac failure
1.8.2 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
1.8.3 Dilated cardiomyopathy
1.8.4 Restrictive cardiomyopathy
1.8.5 Myocarditis
1.8.6 Cardiac tumours
1.8.7 Alcohol and the heart
1.8.8 Cardiac transplantation
1.9 Pericardial disease
1.9.1 Constrictive pericarditis
1.9.2 Pericardial effusion
1.9.3 Cardiac tamponade
1.10 Disorders of major vessels
1.10.1 Pulmonary hypertension
1.10.2 Venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
1.10.3 Systemic hypertension
1.10.4 Aortic dissection
Appendix I
Normal cardiac physiological values
Appendix II
Summary of further trials in cardiology

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