Nepal medical council exam for the Liscence for the mbbs graduate held on 2nd October ,2010 are listed as follow
- Which Anti tuberculousis drug side effect is peripheral neuropathy?
- Ethambutol b) rifampicin c) isonaizid d)streptomycin
- A couple comes to you for family planning . They have five children and their family is complete. The youngest son is 5 years old .The mother is obesed. What would you suggest?
- a) vasectomy b) tubectomy c) minilap
- Philadelphia chromosome is seen in
- a) AML b) ALL c) CML d) CLL
- Reedsternberg cell is seen in
- a) Non-Hodgkns lymphoma b) Hodgkins lymphoma c) Leukemia d) megaloblastic anemia
- Which anti-coagulant is contraindicated in pregnancy?
- a) heparin b) warfarin c) aspirin
- A 57 year woman travels by 7 hour flight. She comes to the ER with a complain of chest pain and dyspnoea. Where is the origin of embolus?
- a) heart b) lung c) calf region of the legs d) brain
- Three swab test is done for
- a) Hemorrhoid b) Vesicovaginalfistula c) fistula in ano
- A woman usg shows fibroid uterus . She complains of per vaginal bleeding. What is the type?
- a)Submucous b) subserous c)interstitial
- Which anti-leprotic drugs side effect is black urine?
- a)dapsone b) clofazimine c) rifampicin
- A person age 45 yrs old comes with a complain of frank type hemoptysis. He had a history of primary tuberculosis in childhood.whats is your probable diagnosis?
- a) Ca lung b) Bronchiectasis c) recurrent primary TB
- Children with increase ICP features ?
- Anesthetic drug which doesn’t increase ICP?
- What is the anti-dote for Paracetamol? N-acetylcysteine
- What is the vector of Japanese Encephalitis?
- Dose of mebendazole for Tapeworm
- What is prevalence and incidence?
- Lead poisoning…… case?
- Which drug is given fast IV?
- a) Atropine b) Adrenaline c) Adenosine d) Noradrenaline
- Confirmatory test for AIDS ?
- a) Westernblot test b) ELISA
- A doctor left scissors inside the abdomen cavity while operating and the patients dies ? whats is called ? Ans: Doctrine n res……………
- Causes of Epidemic Dropsy?
- how to prevent cross infection? Ans > Handwashing
- In ORS what is the function of Glucose? Ans > increase the absorption of sodium and potassium
- Case of vertigo? BenignParaoxysmalVertigo or menieres disease
- CSOM > differentiation between AA and TT Anatomically
- Defn Endemic
- Cholelithiasis post op complication on day 2nd?
- ECG features of hyperkalemia ?
- Values of TFT in different types of hyperthyroidism ?
- Cause of death in hanging? : 26) Defn Endemic27)Cholelithiasis post op complication on day 2nd?28)ECG features of hyperkalemia ?29)Values of TFT in different types of hyperthyroidism ? 30)Cause of death in hanging?
- A person had a RTA . He comes to er with complains of dyspnoea and chest pain? What will you do first?a) send for X ray b) insert chest tube in triangle of safetyc) secure the cervical spine and do ABC
- Case relating HSP?
- Test done in compartment syndrome? Stretch test
- Cubitus varus (gun stock hand) is seen in which fracture? Supracondylar fracture
- what are the fractures with complication avascular necrosis?
- glasglow coma scale? Case to calculate?
- posterior hip dislocation features?
- Charcots triad?
- Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis? Case
- Local anesthesia + Adrenaline Dose? 7 mg/kg
- Apgar score? Features?
- Defn of Low birth weight?
- Blood spilled in your ward. What is the most efficient and cheapest way to clean it? Sodium…..(see component of virex)
- Length of NG tube for gastric lavage? a) 40 b) 50 c) 60
- What is the Ca following H. Mole ?
- In head trauma whats is the common type of hematoma?a) extradural hematoma b) subdural hematoma
- branches of arteries in legs ?
- If a patient is allergic to penicillin which drug is also contraindicated? Cephalexin
- X ray finding Gaint cell carcinoma( osteoclastoma) ) Soap bubble appearance
- whats is primary prevention? Secondary prevention? Tertiary prevention?
- Case of physiological jaundice?
- A patient lost the sensation to sweet taste of anterior part of the tongue .which nerve is affected?
- Which organism is related to antibiotic related diarrhea? Clostridium
- what is the long term complication of indwelling catheter?
- An infertile woman come to you for potency test .which day of cycle will you call her for the endometrial biopsy? 21-24 day
- A patient becomes allergic to penicillin . which antibody is formed? IgE
- Which is used for rheumatic heart disease prophylaxis? benzyl Penicillin or bezylthaine penicillin
- In asthma which drug is not used as an inhaler? Prednisolone
- Defn of carbuncle and location
- Anti-nuclear test is done for? SLE
- In which condition there is increase pulmonary blood flow? a) ASD b) TOF c) VSD d) Pulm. Stenosis
- What is the precursor of thyroid hormone?
- A children comes with asymptomatic varicella rashes for 3 days ? what will you do in opd?a) give him PCT b) Acyclovir c) Cephalexin
- Difference between Daibetic retinopathy and hypertensive retinopathy
- drug of choice for DM + HTN? ACE inhibitor
- A patient have drunken gait? Which part of the brain is affected?
- Case related to hematocolpus.(gynae)
- Layers during spinal anesthesia?
- Thaimin deficiency ? Case
- Case of Aplastic Anemia?
- Carbon monoxide poisoning? (from this point number is not matching with his slide because after 70 he has used directly 72)
- Lab finding in polycythemia?
- Common cause of anemia in Nepal? Nutritional defect
- A old woman caught in RTA .Bleeding from the ear? What will you do? Ans: Use swab with antibiotics
- Inguinal ligament anatomy?
- Opium poisoning?
- Nerve supply of larynx?
- Differential diagnosis of Hoarseness of voice?
- Primi mother with 4 weeks child? Which contraceptive measure is contra-indicated?
- case of croup(laryngotracheobronchitis)?
- Hypoparathyroidism. Clinal finding?
- Common cause of VVF in Nepal?
- autopsy specimen is preserved in ? Formalin
- After operation of inguinal hernia .which antibiotics will you give and for how many days ??????
- In a usg of a pregnant woman H.mole is seen. Which drug will you use to induce the termination?
- Case Types of pharyngeal abscess?
- Lesion at the chaisma of the optic nerve? What will happen?
- What transfer iron in the body?
- What is the age group for anti protozoans therapy for children? Ans 6 months to 5 years
- case regarding meniscus injury? It occurs mostly in football players
- types of erythema ?
- case regarding scabies and atopic dermatitis (features of vesicles) ?
Long questions
- Hernia .
- A) strangulated hernia B) x ray position. C) Surgical plan. Type of surgery D) what is included in left hemicolectomy.
- PPH. big baby weight 4 kg.
- a) cause of PPH(obstructed labour).B) Amount of blood loss in pph. C)Common cause of maternal death in Nepal(PPH)
- burn.
- a) Rule of nine.b) Parkland formula . c) severity of burn(degree). d) What is blister?
- Meningitis. case.
- a) dagnostic features b) Group wise causative agent.. c) investigation of choice. LP5.
- COPD case.
- A) Clinical examination of heart in copd. B)Complication. C)Advise to patient. Cease smoking
- Mitral vulvoplasty.
- a ) Anti-coagulant prophylaxis. B) In pregnant choice.
- Dm case.
- a) Property of all the drugs. B) Inv of choice. C) Insulin choice and dose.D) Inv of choice in follow up after 6 weeks.Hb1Ac E) Drug of choice for DM + HTN?
- nephritic syndrome.
- a) Case. B) Cause.c) Management. d) Diagnosis.
- Eclampsia.
- A) case.b) Drug of choice for convulsion.c) Side effect of mag, sulfate . D) when to stop Mg2S04.
- osteomyelitis. inv of choice. Diagnostic feature. How to use antibiotics. Common location of osteomyelitis.