Diffuse Dermal Angiomatosis of the Breast

Diffuse dermal angiomatosis is rare and usually considered a variant of reactive angioendotheliomatosis. It generally involves the extremities of patients with severe vascular disease and other comorbidities. Two patients with…Continue readingDiffuse Dermal Angiomatosis of the Breast

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that works differently to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy attacks all rapidly dividing cells in the body, but targeted therapy works by “targeting” those differences that…Continue readingTargeted therapy

Cancer treatment centres in Nepal

1.   B. P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital (BPKMCH): BPKMCH is the first tertiary level cancer hospital in Nepal, which provides all types of cancer treatment services, such as surgical oncology,…Continue readingCancer treatment centres in Nepal

Treatment of breast cancer

Treatments are less invasive when breast cancer is detected at an early stage. Challenges for breast cancer treatment in Nepal include patient’s financial status (given the huge out-of-pocket expenditure), accessibility…Continue readingTreatment of breast cancer


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Breast Tuberculosis

Dr. Saroj K. Suwal, OncoSurgery Department, BCH  People generally come the hospital with complain of breast lump over  thinking that they have carcinoma of breast but it’s not always true and while investigation is done for breast screening, tubercular breast is also encountered. Breast Tuberculosis is one of the rare types of tuberculosis all over the world. In Western Communities, it is found as less than 0.1 % but in the developing countries the incidence increases as other different types of tuberculosis. In context of Nepal also , the breast tuberculosis is diagnosed increasingly day by day as comparison to past days It might be due the misdiagnosis as Breast cancer and abscess as they appear similar symptoms and findings Atypical Mycobacterium Verfaillie is found to be dominant in breast tuberculosis.