Liver transplantation - acute liver failure - end-stage liver disease

Liver transplantation – acute liver failure – end-stage liver disease

Liver transplantation (LT) is indicated for the treatment of acute liver failure (ALF) and end-stage liver disease (ESLD). Currently, the overall 1-year and 5-year post-LT patient survival rates are 80-90% and 60-75%, respectively. Liver transplantation can be classified according to the type of donor, into deceased and live donor liver transplants. Liver grafts in the Western countries come predominantly from deceased donors in around 95% of the cases*. Orthotopic…

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First Succesful Liver Transplantation outside the Valley in CMC– Nepal

First Succesful Liver Transplantation outside the Valley in CMC and Happy Mother-Daughter❣️ चितवन मेडिकल कलेजमा कलेजो प्रत्यारोपणपछि धनमाया तामाङ छोरी उषासँग खुसी साटासाट गर्दै । छोरी उषाले आधा कलेजो दिएपछि धनमायाले पुनर्जीवन पाएकी हुन् । Usha says: “सुरुमा कलेजो दिने भन्ने कुरा सुन्दैमा ज्वरो आयो। मरिन्छ भने पनि ठीकै छ तर आमा बाँच्ने कुराले हिम्मत…

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