Differnt triangles and boundaries in medicine with mnemonics
Anterior triangle –
Submental triangle mnemonic:
C: Chin is the apex
H: Hyoid bone is the base
IN: In between digastrics (Sides)
Digastric triangle mnemonic:
M: Mastoid and mandible is base.
A: Anterior
N: N (And) posterior belly of
D: Digastric
Carotid triangle mnemonic:
SO: Superior belly of Omohyoid
PD: Posterior belly of Digastric
FS: Front of Sternocleidomastoid
Muscular triangle mnemonic:
M: Median line of the neck
S: Superior belly of omohyoid
SC: Sternocleidomastoid
Posterior triangle –
Occipital triangle mnemonic:
“OCcipital Triangle”
O: Omohyoid
C: sternoCleidomastoid
T: Trapezius
Supraclavicular triangle mnemonic:
S: Sternocleidomastoid
C: Clavicle
O: Omohyoid

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