Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that works differently to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy attacks all rapidly dividing cells in the body, but targeted therapy works by “targeting” those differences that…Continue readingTargeted therapy

Cancer treatment centres in Nepal

1.   B. P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital (BPKMCH): BPKMCH is the first tertiary level cancer hospital in Nepal, which provides all types of cancer treatment services, such as surgical oncology,…Continue readingCancer treatment centres in Nepal

Treatment of breast cancer

Treatments are less invasive when breast cancer is detected at an early stage. Challenges for breast cancer treatment in Nepal include patient’s financial status (given the huge out-of-pocket expenditure), accessibility…Continue readingTreatment of breast cancer

Bodies in diseases – MBBS Pathology Study Notes

Listing out the pathology notes for the MBBS students. this note is about the Important bodies in pathology in various diseases and conditions::


Disclaimer Articles, videos, online books, pictures,online videos, Exam Information, MCQs and Related topics in this medicospase is entirely intended  for study and general information purpose . Medicine and its updates…Continue readingDisclaimer

How much sleep Need for us?

For healthy sleeping ,the  amount of sleep need depends on different factors. One of these factor is according to age. The research shows that people who sleep so little over many nights don’t perform as well on complex mental tasks as do people who get closer to seven hours of sleep a night.
Here is general  sleeping time for different age groups

Age group Recommended amount of sleep
Infants 9-10 hours at night, plus 3 or more hours of naps
Toddlers 9-10 hours at night, plus 2-3 hours of naps
School-age children 9-11 hours
Adults 7-8 hours

Beside these other factors also depends the amount of sleep needed. Some others are:

  • Changes in a woman’s body during early pregnancy can increase the need for sleep.
  • Older adults need about the same amount of sleep as younger adults. As getting older,the sleeping patterns might change. Older adults tend to sleep more lightly and for shorter time  the younger adults. This might need for spending more time in bed to get enough sleep, or need  daytime napping.
  • Previous sleep deprivation.If you’re sleep deprived, the amount of sleep you need increases.
  • Sleep quality.If the sleep is frequently interrupted then the quality of sleep is not good.. The quality of your sleep is important as the quantiy of sleep also.